Disappearing people

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqw2020843
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  Worldwide there are actually hundreds of thousands of missing persons and many more disappear every day. One only has to search Google Images for “Missing People” to appreciate the number of the problem. Many of these missing people are found but a large number of them disappear forever. Where they went or what happened to them is a mystery but still not as strange as Disappearing People. These are persons who for no clear reason simply disappear in front of people who are at a complete loss to explain what happened. It is worth noticing, as with many other mysteries, that some of these cases have turned out to be tricks.
  All the people involved were (or appeared to be) satisfied with their lives. All of them were busy in a normal activity, such as running a race or walking through a field when they simply disappeared. There are hundreds of well-documented cases of people disappearing mysteriously, but actually very few where they simply disappeared in full view of other people. We’ve listed this as a case because of its popular theme in stories, films and cultural beliefs. For example, the films Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Illusionist and The X-files all are about this strange theme. The belief in the possibility of this has been stronger by the acts of stage magicians that really do appear to be able to make others disappear.
  mystery n. 神秘的事物
  trick n. 惡作剧
  ( Dear, is there any disappearing people around you or have you ever watched a movie with such a theme? If so, share the story with us.)
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