【摘 要】
Data link in the air t
Data link in the air transport applications, but 20 years, but the alarming rate of development. Recently, China’s VHF data communications network has been built, how to use it to improve the management of airlines, increasing efficiency, has become imperative
A semi-implicit 3-D numerical formulation for solving non-hydrostatic pressure free-surface flows on an unstructured,sigma grid is proposed.Pressure-splitting a
This paper presents a large-scale particle tracking velocimetry(LSPTV) system for measuring surface velocity in vast unsteady flows.The system consists of a fle
An alluvial bajada has been recognized along a part of the active Narmada-Son Fault(NSF) and confined by the Karjan River on the eastern side and by the Madhuma
The black soil region of northeast China,which covers the Provinces of Heilongjiang,Jilin and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region with black soil,chernozem and
The paper describes a permeameter test method for determination of the hydraulic conductivity(AT) along multi-directions in fluvial sediments with cross bedding
中华全国总工会《关于进一步解决劳动模范社会保障和生活困难等问题的通知(人社部发〔2010〕67号) 各省、自治区、直辖市人力资源社会保障、公安、民政、财政、建设、卫生厅