A Method to Evaluate Climate Change Caused by Carbon Emission

来源 :电脑迷·中旬刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiminming_7
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  Abstract: According to the definition of migrating climate change given by IPCC, climate change migration refers to people’s reducing greenhouse gas emissions to intervene in the climate system. Therefore, increasingly people choose to cut down on carbon emissions in order to fight against global warming.
  Keyword: Nonlinear Least Square Method; Climate Change
  I Modeling for the Relationship Between Carbon Emission and Temperature
  We collect the data on global temperature and Co2 emissions in order to find the relationship between them. The data is from Center of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (CDIAC)
  As is shown in the figure above, global temperature and CO2 emissions are both on the rise and have a high correlation between each other.
  Based on the law of the development of industry, we suppose that the increasing rate of CO2 emission will slow down because the industry will be well developed in the future and countries will take measures to reduce the emission. The trend of CO2 emission fits logistic function[7]. Therefore, we build a model on carbon emission:
  x is the increment of carbon emission;
  c is the maximum of carbon emission;
  a is the indeterminate constant;
  t is the specific year.
  Solve the equation above, we can get:
  x0 is the initial increment of carbon emission.
  In order to simplify the function, we let and can get a new equation after simplification:
  At last, we adopt Nonlinear Least Square Method (NLS) and get the parameter and with the objective function below:
  Y(t) is the predicted value;
  y(t) is the actual value.
  II Modeling for the Relationship
  The atmosphere keeps the Earth warm, which matches well with the characteristic of black-body radiation. Hence, we suppose that the radiation of Earth is black-body radiation. Based on the law of Stefan-Boltzmann, we can calculate the heat of Earth radiation per unit area. The equation is shown as follows:
  is the coefficient of blackbody radiation;
  is Stefan-Boltzmann constant;
  is the temperature.
  About 4/5 of the energy radiated by the Earth is absorbed by the atmosphere.
  III Conclusion
  U.S.A.and Japan are selected as developed countries whilst China and India are selected as developing countries for the analysis. we find that U.S.A., Japan, India and China are big emitter countries. They contributed 10% of global carbon emissions. The result of our model matches well with the actual data, which proves that our model performs well.
  [1] Allen M R, Frame D J, Huntingford C, et al. Warming caused by cumulative carbon emissions towards the trillionth tonne[J]. Nature, 2009, 458(7242):1163-6.
摘要:国家气象局采用IPCC技术对114呼叫中心实施了改造,新的呼叫中心能更好地配合软交换通信网络,同时满足了业务发展的需求,具有高度的开放性、灵活性和扩展性。  关键词:呼叫中心;IPCC;TDM;软交换  1 引言  随着国家气象局通信网络改造完成,基于软交换技术的通信网络逐步取代了TDM(Time-Division Multiplexing,分时多工)通信网络,原有的基于工控机语音板卡架构的
本文考察分析了张承志所接收文化资源的多样性与不完整性,所持文化审视视角与文化批判立场的复杂性与嬗变,以清楚把握其创作的精神向度。   全文除引言、结语外,分为三章: 
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