If taking information as a philosophical concept, we will find an important philosophical problem: whether or not is it of reality? This problem also produces such a paradox: If we accept its reality, we will eliminate the difference between information and matter, and attribute information to a physical phenomena,or clear up the independent features, value and significance of information. But if we deny the reality of information, we will deny the objectivity of information or existence of any objective information. Due to the abundance and complex of the information and reality, we can consider that the information is of dual property of reality and Virtuality, and the intersection of reality and non-reality, or it has “fluidity” and “swing” in the aspect of reality, and so it is a context-related phenomenon.
If taking information as a philosophical concept, we will find an important philosophical problem: whether or not is it of reality? This problem also produces such paradox: If we accept its reality, we will eliminate difference between information and matter, and attribute information to a physical phenomena, or clear up the independent features, value and significance of information. But if we deny the reality of information, we will deny the objectivity of information or existence of any objective information. Due to the abundance and complex of the information and reality, we can consider that the information is of dual property of reality and Virtuality, and the intersection of reality and non-reality, or it has “fluidity” and “swing ” in the aspect of reality, and so it is a context-related phenomenon.