关于函数极值解问题在实际问题中有着广泛的应用。条件极值是函数在一定的约束条件下求极值,则称为条件极值问题。而实际中我们碰到的极值问题大量是条件极值问题,因此,对这个问题有必要加以研究,也应使学生有所了解。对此问题讨论如下:一、一次函数的条件极值及其应用例1某农场要安排3 0个劳动力来耕种75垧土地,这些地可以种蔬菜、水稻和土豆,如果种这些农作物所需的劳动力和预计的产值是:
The problem of function extreme solution has a wide range of applications in practical problems. The extremum of a function is the function that extremes under certain constraints, which is called the conditional extremum problem. In practice, the extremum problems we encounter are a large number of extreme conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to study this issue and also to make students understand it. This issue is discussed as follows: First, the conditional extremum of the linear function and its application Example 1 a farm to arrange 30 labor to cultivate 75 acres of land, these areas can grow vegetables, rice and potatoes, if these kinds of crops required The labor force and estimated output are: