A Study of the Key Elements in the Horace Model and the Schleiermacher Model

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  1. The Horace Model
  1.1 Translation Strategies of the Horace Model
  The model proposes that the faithful interpretation (fidus interpres) is not which is faithful to the original text but which is faithful to the readers. A ‘fidus ’translator is one who can be trusted, who gets the job done on time and to the satisfaction of both parties. Horace stats the faithful translator is a trusted entity, undertaking the role of the mediator to facilitate the communication between two languages and the readers of these languages. Horace argues the different texts must be translated in different ways with different translation strategies to suit its purposes, facing with a variety of texts. The more important idea in Horace’s model is frame of the text, namely a grid of text. This frame refers to the collection of methods employed by each culture. The method is the way to which objects are referred. Cultures basically adopt identical frames. The German, French and the English culture use the same frame of texts--- the ancient Greece-Roman culture, albeit slightly different in their style of emphasis. Cultures of China or Japan are different from others and therefore do not share any common grounds with others. Translations in different eras reflect the main culture of that history. It can be the cultural innovation and the strength of creating a different form of culture based on the existing culture or may be suppresses innovation, distortion, and accommodation. Translation heightens the level of our perspective on the world we live in by shedding light on the process of the formation of literature in an era where various sorts of manipulation is on the rise.
  2. The Schleiermacher Model
  2.1 Translation Strategies of the Schleiermacher Model
  It emphasizes the importance of ‘foreignzing translation’. The translator should in Schleiermacher’s opinion leave “the author in peace, as much as possible,” and “move the reader towards him.” A translation should therefore sound “foreign” enough to its reader for that reader to discern the workings of the original language that expresses the language game, the culture of which the original is a part, shining through the words of the translated page. Schleiermacher was the first person who divided translation into written and oral interpretations, in other word, true and mechanical interpretations, and then elaborated them in details. He presents business translation is practical and mechanical, which deals with match, geometry and must be translated in accuracy. So, business translation absolutely is a mechanical activity, which is hard to be considered to be good or bad if there are not obvious mistakes. In this extent, business translation is simpler than literary and science translations, which are a creative activity, requiring the translators have a good ability in uniting his own language with the translated language and re-appearing the style of the source text in his translation based on his good understanding and interpretation to things.
  3. Conclusion
  The Horace and Schleiermacher model, in the development of translation process, play their own necessary and crucial roles. Each has its own special features, functions, advantages and disadvantages, promoting the history of translation. Of course, with the development of the society, history, culture, socialization and globalization, the research of translation has a harder and further journey to go. There are still problems left in translation field, under such circumstances, the role of translators is important and the road of translation needs more exploration.
  [1]Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. Constructing Cultures [J].Clevedon, Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters Ltd: 1998(2)
  [2]Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A.Constructing Cultures, Essays on Literary Translation
【摘要】:中国的碑文化滥觞于春秋时期,历经千年的发展,到唐代发展至鼎盛时期。其繁荣昌盛不仅体现在形制的完善、数量与种类的繁多,其雕刻之精也是史无前例的。本文从唐碑的碑首、碑身、碑座三个部分的装饰来归纳唐碑的装饰特征,反映出唐人无穷的智慧与精湛的技艺,以及大唐盛世开放、自由、豪迈、进取的时代精神。  【关键词】:唐碑;装饰特征  “装饰性”是中国艺术的基本特征之一。从原始文化的彩陶到汉唐的重彩绘画,
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【摘要】:随着我国信息科技的快速发展,迎来了互联网时代,也促进了游戏制作的发展。当前运用数字媒体艺术进行游戏制作已成为一种趋势,以往传统的游戏制作,其动画效果不是很好,而使用数字媒体艺术,可以大大增强游戏的动画效果,使游戏变得更加有趣。本文对数字媒体艺术运用在游戏制作的背景、意义和数字媒体艺术的内涵进行阐述,并对数字媒体艺术游戏制作的表现特点进行分析,以期为游戏制作人员做参考。  【关键词】:数字
【摘要】:装饰作为现代设计中不可或缺的组成部分,它的形成与发展在一定程度上甚至代表了一个地区的发展轨迹与文化、艺术的取向。通过对现代设计中装饰性存在的分析,可以为我们利用传统文化来进行现代设计的创新带来一定的意义。  【关键词】:现代设计;装饰;传统文化  1. 引言  装饰作为一种符号,始终存在于人们的日常生活之中,从最初只是起到修饰美化作用的物品,仅仅在物体的表面加些附属品使之变的美观,到现如
【摘要】:日本设计大师Fumi Sasada一生佳作无数,也获得了许多奖项,其中包装设计作为他毕生的研究对象,“一哥”是日本包装设计界给他的称谓,他的作品富有形式美与功能美的结合,能抓住消费者的眼球,激发人们的想象,符合人们的审美心理需求。  【关键词】:包装设计;Fumi Sasada;审美心理;简洁;生动  一、背景  介绍日本国家的设计  日本是一个设计水平很高的国家,曾在唐朝,日本就开始学
【摘要】:壮锦是广西民族服饰的代表,同时也是广西壮族文化的代表。本文通过简单介绍壮族的服饰文化进而延伸到对壮锦的来源、制作工艺的流程特点、图案和色彩的寓意,以及壮锦在现代市场经济和21世纪的发展潮流中其本身所蕴含的传承意义进行了详细的考察和研究。  【关键词】:民族服饰;壮锦;制作工艺;传承意义  一、壮族服饰简介  服饰是人类物质与精神需求的复合表征,即外表特征与心理审美的结合。多姿多彩的民族服
人物画历史悠久,从彩陶上寓意深刻的人物画到战国帛画,至唐代仕女画,再到现代工笔人物画都经历了岁月的沉淀,时间的洗礼和艺术的发展。在当今艺术迅速发展的背景下,人们的审美层次也越来越高,工笔人物画也在传统的绘画基础上有了更大的发展。本文从罗寒蕾的工笔人物画入手,初步探索工笔人物画中装饰性元素的节奏感和韵律感在画面中的体现,以便更加深入的认识工笔人物画。  从战国时期的帛画《人物龙凤图》中可以看出,虽然
【摘要】:戏曲演员通过唱腔来表达人物极其复杂、充满矛盾的内心感情世界,深刻揭露人物的内在心理活动、精神世界以及人物的性格特征,这也是戏曲艺术诸多特点中尤为重要的一个特点。戏曲艺术经过漫长的表演实践过程,逐渐产生了角色以及行当这两种划分。此种划分方式主要和戏曲唱法有关。角色行当不一样,其演唱在音域方面、音色方面和演唱风格方面及技巧方面等的表现也各不相同。  【关键词】:戏曲演唱;技巧探析;婺剧  戏