The Creative Education In English Teaching

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  Creative education is a new and popular approach to education. It emphasizes more on developing students’ creativity. In order to carry out creative teaching,we will have to know some noticeable problems existing in our traditional English education in China. The factors which form these problems are the killer of creativity. This paper is on how to teach and learn creatively and effectively. It is composed of three parts, the first two parts containing theories on creativity and some problems existing in our educational system and in our English teaching. Some suggestions are proposed in the last paragraph.
  Creativity; Creative education; Creative teaching
  【摘要】创新教育是一种新的受大众欢迎的教育方法。此方法更强调培养学生的创造力, 为了引进创新教学,我们必须了解中国传统英语教学中存在的一些突出问题;而这些是培养创新能力的绊脚石。作者谈到怎样能有效而富有创新的教和学。这篇文章包括三部分:前两部分包括创新理论及我们教育体系和英语教学中存在的一些问题。文章最后一部分提出作者的几条建议。
  I. Introduction
  Creativity helps us make progress. The word at this time is rapidly changing with the science and information technology. The globalization is affecting our lifestyles, production and education, so creativity is the driving power ofman’s progress. It has not only created our history but also will draw the picture about man’s future. The highest goal of foreign language teaching is to train students to be capable of employing language skills and language techniques and ultimately become an independent and successful individuals living in the community. Teaching high school English is the clearance stage of teaching and learning English. Classroom teaching innovation in English teaching always requires teachers to reflect the initiative of students and give full play to the students in English teaching initiative, enthusiasm and creativity.This paper is to treat very briefly some theoretical issues on creative teaching and then followed by a few methods.
  II. Creativity in English teaching
  1.Definition of creativity 
  What is creativity? Creativity is to bring forth what does not exist either as a product or a process or a thought. Let’s tell a story to explain this definition clearer. In18th century, Karl Benz invented the first car in the world, which had four wheels, two seats, and a steam engine. His car looked like a cart. Although the process of making it was very similar to that of making a cart they were not the same after all. Later, Karl was familiar with the procedure of making cars, so he opened a small car factory and his car became an industrial product. More faster and more comfortable cars were manufactured and used by nobles. Then his car was not only a vehicle but also a symbol of status. 
  2.Creativity and Creative teaching 
  Furthermore,creative thinking is the process which we use when we come up with a new idea.And the whole essence of creativity lies in its freshness. Creativity is often unexpected and exciting, which involves breaking conventional rules and seeing things in new ways.Creative thinking is a special kind of energy,which moves through the whole body,also can simply be seen each day as something new and fresh and full of potentials. 
   Think over man’s history, Creativity help us make progress in every aspect. Under each milestones of our history, there were significant inventions or new discoveries by human’s creativity.For example, In the second half of the 19th century, the electric light,the radio, sound movies, the computer were invented. These outstanding persons who started new eras for the world are all full of creativity and great ability of thinking. Therefore, some overseas schools are beginning to pay deliberate attention to the teaching of higher order or quality thinking processes.But our traditional educational system aims at examination.For many years, the examinationoriented education system has hindered the development of creativity. But today’s information technology and the meoindustry revelation force people to discover new problems in science and society and then apply themselves to dealing with the problems.
  3. Some problems in our teaching methods
  Science and society’s development sometimes is closely related to language.In the evolution of scientific thought, language is playing a more and more active role. To obtain accurate and direct information from others, the communication skills or the interest decide the success of learning. English as the widestused worldwide language is absolutely essential for an opening country. However, all of us have noticed that the lack of creativity and interactive communication in English teaching and studying has become a serious problem in the current English teaching. Some English teachers always believe that the major task of English teaching is grammatical knowledge and is to pass various kinds of examinations without thinking, but only memorizing is boring to most of students.How can creativity fly without the wings of thinking? Students want English to become their magic stick to learn the information from foreign countries and to communicate with foreigners freely. What a student told me made me lost in meditation.He said he couldn’t express himself when meeting foreigners during his summer vacation. He was really eager to do that from the bottom of his heart. 
  This exposes another problem that the student’s thinking and expressing abilities are severely sealed by teacher’s outmoded teaching ways. Excess emphasis on memorization, on understanding established knowledge, and arriving at a predetermined right answer make it impossible for the student to obtain original thinking and problemsolving ability.Assessment of learning through the use of standardized tests of basic skills provides one kind of check on the effectiveness of education. We mentioned before that creativity is the process or experience to find new solutions to problems.How could the teachers who ask the listener just to copy the same answer develop their students innovating ability? Most of programs adopted in classes are dull and boring, and almost unexceptionally about teacher’s own ideas or the author’s suggestions of the textbooks but not concerning students’ understandings.
   With the rapid pace of changes in the world and China’s entrance to WTO, more and more people realize that the world is not a locked one but openingup to everyone on earth. So there is an urgent need for teachers to recognize the necessity of creative and complex thinking. The future world has need of serious thinkers and skillful communicators’ service.
  III. Ways to make our students more creative 
  1.Teachers should be creative first
   In my opinion, the first step is to allow teachers to be creative. “we ourselves are trained in the education structure which based on labels, categories, specialized fields, and a strict hierarchical organizational pattern has little provision for the free and creative thinking and practicing,”( By Berenice d Bleedorn, Ph.D.P72 1996 ) In contrast, creativity is unconditioned,that is to say, to act in a way that is free and not directed by anything outside itself.It requires a teacher has to be creative to provide his kids or students with a flexible and creative atmosphere.Creative thinking, an essential factor of creativity, is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. Instead, it seems that creative thinking is a matter of habits. It is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. That is socalled “think outside the box”, which is to try new ways to solve a problem.
  2.Using all possible ways to inspire student’s interest in being more creative 
  Here are some of my successful experiences : we teachers can raise open questions to give students the opportunities to imagine. For example, Once I asked students “what do you think will happen in agriculture in the 21st century?” while teaching unit 19 (modern agriculture ) of senior English for Chinese students, Book 1. Some answers from the students were beyond my expectation,which in turn stimulated my thinking.Instead of copying down repetitions, teachers should assign open or half open homework to leave students enough space to walk across the universe.In addition, ask students to make as many sentences and stories as possible with words and structures that they have newly learned In my class, I have been requiring students to make the same sentence with various kind of words or its synonyms and antonyms.Therefore, most students now have formed a good habit of association,which I think matters more.In a word, imagination is the foundation of creativity. No imagination, no creativity.
  3. Creating a creative teaching environment
  Besides, Creating a creative teaching environment also matters.Creative and free environment can make students and teachers feel at ease and try to be active in class, Sometimes students’ ideas are just what we need to make the class lively and productive.Brainstorm is recommended by many famous scholars to make students think freely and offer their own solutions to a specific problem. Firstly,teachers need to divide students into several groups.and each group should have a notetaker who is responsible for writing down everyone’s suggestions.Secondly, teachers offers a number of questions or problems which arise in the text or during the learning period.Thirdly, students discuss the possible answers or solutions to questions or problems.Finally, teachers collect the notes and try to make every student explain their solutions to confirm the best choice.
  4.Giving positive assessment on student’s activities 
  Additionally, give positive assessments on students’ activities. Everyone in the world likes to be praised and encouraged at anytime,especially in creative education encouragement Positive assessment is essential for building up their confidence and recharging power to gain more knowledge. Sometimes,each word or gesture of the teacher will affect student’s attitude towards the course itself. Teacher’s positive assessments are potential energy to power their mind.Many of the teachers believe that students’ mind is too simple or stupid, so when students produce creative thinking fragments,which are always regarded as an “foolish idea ” by the “ leaderlike ”style teachers.The creative energy is often shut down by criticizing and blaming words. So be more careful about the student’s “ foolish question ”, positive and assessment is a must to develop creative education.As teachers we ought to be good at finding something positive element about every student.Why can’t our class be studentoriented? 
  IV. Conclusion
  In conclusion, education is the basic factor of a nation’s development,and creativity is an essential power of society and science. So creative education shouldn’t be ignored by today’s teachers. Students’ creative potential is affected by the established educational system everyday.And teachers should be sensitive enough to learn and encourage their unique and fantastic ideas.
  English class is a place where the students are learning how to communicate in English. It is a must to stress more on their communication abilities. Whatever great your idea is, it is needed to be expressed and understood by others. English is like a bridge to link different cultures and people.Trying to provide a creative studying environment for students and encouraging them to learn and use English actively is a major task for educators in this area.
  [1]Brown, H.D. Creativity and Education.Cambridge University Press23 feb 1989
  [2]By Bernice D.Bleedorn, Ph.D. Introduction to an Education track for Creativity Frankl Schaffer Publications.Inc. 1996
  [3]朱敏华.谈谈在英语教学中如何培养学生的创新思维能力.广东基础教育信息中心,2003 年 6 月20 日
  [4]胡壮麟(北京大学英语系,北京 100871).《对中国英语教育的若干思考》 发表于外语研究,2002 年第3期
河南省南阳市第十七小学南阳473007  【摘要】    “双分管理教学法”包括管理和教学两个方面,笔者畅谈了小学数学刘如何实施“双分管理教学法”,不仅能激发学生学习的主观能动性,提高学生学习数学的兴趣,培养学生的口头表达能力,从而全面提高数学教学质量。  【关键词】双分管理教学法实施小学数学            “双分管理教学法”包括管理和教学两个方面。“双分”即分层分组,根据学生成
河北省安新县安新镇大张庄小学安新071600            21世纪需要的是富有创新精神、实践能力与高度责任意识的一代新人,这一点在新的《数学课程标准》总体目标中也明确指出。根据数学学科的这一总体目标,21世纪教材在教学内容的编排上十分重视培养学生的创造性思维。我作为实验教师中的一员,更是把学生创造性思维的培养放在了首要位置,在课堂教学时,大胆实践,合理使用教材。以下是我在教学工作中的
青海省互助县林川中心学校互助810500  【摘要】  化学教学中学生主体性的突出是提高教学效果的关键,使学生在化学课上张扬个性,成为创新人才。  【关键词】主题性激励性个性创新            随着国家九年义务教育的进一步推进,对初中教师的要求也起来越高。面对着全面提高全体学生的素质,教师应该如何进行课堂教学,是值的我们每一位教师应该深思的问题。对于一名初中化学教师,如何在化学教
广西防城港市实验小学防城港538001  【摘要】  在班级活动中培养学生的创新能力则成为教师的重要任务。挖掘潜力,激发学生的创新思维;发展个性,培养学生的创造能力;创造机会,提高学生的创新能力。让学生在创造实践活动中增强信心,从而提高学生的创新能力。  【关键词】班级活动培养创新能力激发创新思维        历史告诉我们:一个没有创新精神和创新能力的民族,是难以自立于世界民族之林的。
广东省清远市佛冈县石角镇龙南中心小潭分校佛冈511600    【摘要】    科学课堂上要突破常规,激发学生求异创新;设置情境,诱发学生主动创新。以达到形成完整的知识概念,为培养学生的创造力奠定基础。  【关键词】科学课堂激发求异创新诱发主动创新          随着科学教育课程改革的日益深入,如何进一步领会新课程理念,树立“以人为本,以学生的发展为本”的新意识,认真钻研教材,尝试用
[摘 要]教学不仅指传授给学生具体的知识,还应教会学生获得知识的能力和方法,做到传其“道”、授其“渔”。文章阐述了笔者的一些做法,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。  [关键词]新课程 学习习惯 学习能力 学习方法    新课程已经在全国铺开,新的课程理念要求我们用更少的课堂时间完成更合适的课堂教学任务,于是之,一些老师感觉时间明显少多了,而教学任务又有增加之疑,因此在教学实践中,就无法很好的完成教学任务,只
陕西省西乡县教研室西乡723500  【摘要】  阅读是学生语文能力提高的源头活水。大量的阅读,广泛的积累,为学生语文知识能力的发展提供了更多的资源。因而教师在讲读教学时要培养学生学会阅读,从探求阅读方法入手,教给学生读书方法。从而带动课外阅读,提高学生的阅读能力,教学才能取得事半功倍的效益。  语文教学不能局限在课堂上,应该构建开放的教学模式,拓宽学习的内容、形式和渠道,从而去影响学生的精
河北省保定市安新县安新镇留村小学安新071600    【摘要】随着时代的发展,英语日益成为国际间交流的工具。小学英语教育是整个英语教育的启蒙阶段。如何更好地培养学生听、说、读、写四项基本技能是每个教师必须面对的挑战。在这四项技能中,听力训练既是学习英语的开始也是学习中的难点。本文就小学英语教学中听力训练的指导方法进行了阐述。   【关键词】小学英语教学听力训练指导方法         
广西百色祈福高中百色533000  【摘要】  高中政治课上主体缺失现象的原因是缺乏创新教学模式;学生主体对政治课缺乏的理性认识;师生缺乏交流沟通。恰当使用时事材料,有效开展时事教学,是思想政治课保持蓬勃生机的源头活水。  【关键词】高中政治课堂主体缺失有效开展时事教学          二十一世纪是一个全新的世纪,是一个知识经济型、全面发展型、终身学习型的世纪。我国在应试教育盛行多年后
摘要:笔者畅谈了语文课堂教学精品的打造集中表现在语文教学过程中的酝酿、构想、驾驭和反思等四个过程。语文课堂教学中,教师要凭借已有的教学经验根据学生学习的实际情况适时地调整教学内容和教学环节,才能打造出语文课堂教学的精品。  关键词:语文课堂教学 艺术 酝酿 构想 驾驭 反思    我认为,语文课堂教学精品的打造贯穿教学的始终,集中表现在语文教学过程中的酝酿、构想、驾驭和反思等四个过程。    1、