5月8日星期六,正是本期杂志发稿杀青的时候,一大早,编辑部的好几个人来到办公室加班。 刚过中午,屠晓光突然从网上看到消息,今天凌晨北约的三枚导弹袭击了中国驻南联盟大使馆,已经证实有三个人遇害,其中包括《光明日报》记者许杏虎和新婚妻子朱颖。以前曾在《光明日报》工作过的屠晓光喊了起来,“许杏虎,这不是和我一起在总编室值夜班的虎子吗!”大家立刻围了过来。人民日报、新华社、新浪网、CNN、ABC、路透社、Yahoo!新闻,很快消息都搞清楚了。办公室里群情激愤。 屠晓光含着眼泪写了第一篇纪念许杏虎的文章,标题是“为了不能忘却的纪念
On the Saturday, May 8, it was this issue of the magazine that worked out several times early in the morning when several people from the editorial department came to work in the office to work overtime. Just after noon, Tu Xiaoguang suddenly saw the news online. This morning, three NATO missiles attacked the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia and confirmed the murder of three people, including Xu Xinghu from Guangming Daily and Zhu Ying, his new wife. Tu Xiaoguang, who had worked in the Guangming Daily before, shouted, “Xu Xinghu, this is not a tiger who works with me in the chief editor’s room for night work!” Everybody immediately came around. People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Sina, CNN, ABC, Reuters, Yahoo! News, soon news is clear. Indignant at the office. Tu Xiaoguang with tears wrote the first article commemorating Xu Xinghu, the title is "to forget the memorial