一、班组安全建设 (1)设有班组长、专职或兼职安全员; (2)各项安全生产规章制度健全; (3)安全生产记录、表格齐备; (4)有安全生产考核制度和、奖罚制度; (5)用传统的与现代的安全管理方法,搞好事故预测预防工作。二、班组长 (1)班组长必须经培训考试合格后才能上岗; (2)认真贯彻执行“安全第一;预防为主”方针, (3)有领导班组进行安全生产的能力和责任感;
First, the construction team safety (1) has a team leader, full-time or part-time safety staff; (2) various safety rules and regulations sound; (3) safety records, forms are complete; (4) a safety inspection system and, Reward and punishment system; (5) using the traditional and modern safety management methods, do accident prediction and prevention work. Second, the team leader (1) the team leader must pass the training exams after the appointment; (2) conscientiously implement the “safety first; prevention first” approach; (3) have the leadership team the ability to work safety and responsibility;