9月 13日,广西壮族自治区建设厅在桂西北山城河池市组织召开了全区城建档案工作会议。会议由自治区城建处李晋平主持,自治区档案局科技处处长周兴才、河池地区建设局局长韦建明到会作了重要讲话。会上区建设厅城建处处长文可喜对广西城建档案工作“十五”发展规划作了重要布置,河池市副市长农文广总结了近几年来河池市抓城建档案工作的经验和做法。来自全区各县、市的城建档案馆责任人和城建档案工作者50多人参加了会议。南宁市城建档案馆、桂林市城建档案馆、梧州市城建档案馆、北海市城建档案馆等单位责任人在会上作了经验介绍。
On September 13, the Construction Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region organized a working conference on urban construction archives in Hechi City, a mountain town in the northwest of Guangxi. The meeting was presided over by Li Jinping, director of the Urban Construction Bureau of the autonomous region. Zhou Xingcai, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Archives Bureau of the Autonomous Region, and Wei Jianming, director of the Hechi District Construction Bureau, made an important speech. Wen Kexi, director of urban construction department of the district construction office, made an important arrangement for the development planning of the urban construction archives in the 10th Five-year Plan of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Nong Wenguang, vice mayor of Hechi City, summed up the experience and practice of grasping urban construction archives in Hechi in recent years . More than 50 people from urban construction archives and urban construction archives from counties and cities in the region attended the meeting. Nanning Urban Construction Archives, Urban Construction Archives in Guilin, Wuzhou Urban Construction Archives, Beihai Urban Construction Archives and other units responsible for the experience made at the meeting.