工程勘察资质分级标准 一、总则(一 )根据《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》和《建设工程勘察和设计单位资质管理规定》的原则 ,结合工程勘察行业技术要求的特点 ,为适应社会主义市场经济发展和行业管理体制以及工程勘察单位体制改革的实际需要制定本标准。(二 )工程勘察资质范?
Graded Standards for Engineering Investigation Qualifications I. General (1) In accordance with the principles of the “Regulations for the Administration of Investigation and Design of Construction Projects” and the “Administrative Provisions for the Qualifications of Construction Survey and Design Institutions”, combined with the characteristics of the technical requirements of the engineering survey industry, in order to adapt to the socialist market economy The development and industry management system and the actual needs of the system reform of the engineering survey unit shall establish this standard. (b) Qualification of engineering survey?