2003年6月20日,江西省副省长危朝安在听取省水利厅负责人关于全省病险水库除险加固规划的汇报时强调,全省病险水库除险加固工作是本届政府在水利上的头等大事,一定要像落实防汛责任人一样落实病险水库的除险加固责任人,严格实行行政首长负责制,分解任务,落实责任,按轻重缓急有计划地推动这项工作,力争在本届政府任期内把所有病险水库“摘帽”。 据江西省水利厅今年的最新普查和初步核定,截至2002年底,江西省共建有各类水库9268座,占全国的九分之一,占第
On June 20, 2003, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Province Dan Chaoan, while listening to the report of the responsible person of the Provincial Department of Water Resources on the reinforcement and consolidation plan of the province’s dangerous reservoirs, emphasized that the work of reinforcing and eliminating the dangerous reservoirs in the province is the current government As the first priority on water conservancy, we must implement the same principle as the people in charge of disaster prevention and reinforcement of the reservoir in charge of flood control. We must strictly implement the system of chief executive responsibility, decompose the tasks and fulfill the responsibilities, push forward the work according to priorities, During this term of government, all the reservoirs under risk should be “taken cap”. According to the latest census and preliminary approval of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Water Resources this year, as of the end of 2002, Jiangxi Province built a total of 9,268 reservoirs of various types, accounting for one ninth of the country, accounting for