小儿先天性重度感音性神经耳聋是临床常见病。因自幼对声无反应,失去言语学习的机会造成聋哑。我科1997年7月起,对2例患儿进行了澳大利亚产Naleus 22道小儿人工耳蜗植入术。术后经声音调试、语言训练,现患儿会叫爸爸、妈妈、阿姨等词组和句子。现将2例报告如下。 1 病例介绍 例1 男,5岁,1997年7月18日入院。患儿出生至今双耳对声无反应,不会说话,使用高效助听器无效。母怀孕3个月时患病毒性感冒。检查:患儿发育正常,心理及情绪稳定,能配合治疗。双外耳道正常及鼓膜正常,双耳声导抗检查为A型鼓室图。乳突X线摄片示乳突气化好,高分辨
Congenital severe deafness in children with acoustic deafness is a common clinical disease. Because of his childhood did not respond to the sound, loss of speech learning opportunities for deaf and dumb. Our department from July 1997 onwards, 2 cases of children in Australia produced Naleus 22 pediatric cochlear implant surgery. Postoperative sound debugging, language training, children are now called father, mother, aunt and other phrases and sentences. Now report 2 cases as follows. A case introduction example 1 male, 5 years old, July 18, 1997 admission. Since the birth of children have no reaction to the ears, can not speak, the use of highly effective hearing aid is invalid. Mother 3 months pregnant with viral influenza. Check: children with normal development, psychological and emotional stability, with the treatment. Double external auditory canal normal and normal tympanic membrane, binocular acoustic impedance test for type A tympanogram. Mammography X-ray showed mastoid gasification, high resolution