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  1. 我喜欢运动。
  【一般表达】 I like sports.
  【加分表达】 I like sports, especially swimming and playing basketball.
  2. 杰克擅长英语。
  【一般表达】 Jack is good at English.
  【加分表达】 Jack is good at English. For example, he can talk with foreigners in English freely.
  【典例分析】 我们的班长是个好女孩。她学习努力,各门功课优秀。她喜欢体育运动,积极参加学校的运动会。她还乐于助人。她给我们树立了好榜样。
  Our monitor is a good girl. She studies very hard. She is good at all the subjects. She likes sports. She takes an active part in the school sports meetings. She is always ready to help others. She has set us a good example.
  As you know, our monitor is a good girl. She studies very hard so that she is good at all the subjects. Whats more, she likes sports. She takes an active part in the school sports meetings. In addition, she is always ready to help others. In a word, she has set us a good example.
  1. 表示并列或选择的连接词:
  and, both... and, as well as, as well, neither... nor, or, either... or..., not only... but also...等。如:
  The boy as well as his families is going to make a journey to Hawaii. 这个男孩和他的家人将去夏威夷度假。
  Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese peoples daily life. 中国谚语非常丰富且仍广泛应用于中国人的日常生活中。
  2. 表示转折的连接词:
  still, but, yet, however, instead, nevertheless, in spite of, while, otherwise, on the contrary等。如:
  In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.  盡管年事已高,他依旧过着忙碌的生活。
  The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is true.  这消息可能是出乎意料的,然而是真实的。
  Close the window, otherwise it will get too cold. 关上窗户,不然屋子里就太冷了。
【概念】 表示经常、反复发生的动作,经常存在的状态或者习惯性动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态。  一般现在时通常含有usually, often, every day, sometimes, always, in the morning /afternoon / evening, at (the) weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays等一些表示有时或经常性
海报带有宣传广告的性质,其宣传内容包括电影戏剧消息、体育赛事、学术报告、商品推销、参观旅游、文艺演出等。  海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。  1. 海报的标题是海报最显眼的一部分,一般写在海报上方正中处。标題可以反映海报的核心内容,如Football Match, Lecture, Film News等,也可直接写POSTER。  2. 海报的正文要写明具体活动内容、时间、地点,以及规定、
一、情态动词  考点一、情态动词+have done  “情态动词+have done”的结构表示对过去的事情的推测、态度或看法。  1. must have done  must have done仅用于肯定句中,表示对过去所发生事情的推断,意为“一定已经”。  It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面
I. 寫出第三人称单数:  1. ride ____ 2. take ____  3. live ____ 4. study ____  5. finish ____ 6. leave ____  7. practice ____ 8. do ____  II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:  1. He ____ TV every evening. (watch)  2. She ____
一、將以下祈使句改为否定形式。  1. Come here early.  2. Ask him.  3. Please wait for her.  4. Read the book.  5. Sit under the tree, please.  6. Lets go there together.  二、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。  1. ____ (watch) out! A ca
英语祈使句用来表示请求、命令、建议、禁止等。它通常没有主语,多以动词原形开始。下面,看看祈使句“六兄弟”的表演吧!  1. V  【档案】 V(代表行为动词原形) + 宾语 + 其他成分  【表演】 ① Close the window. 关上窗户。  ② Help yourself to some fish. 吃点鱼吧。  ③ Give the pen to me. 把那支钢笔给我。  2. B
【口語展台】  1. —How do Bob and Mary get to school? 鲍勃和玛丽怎样去上学?  —Bob takes the train and Mary takes the subway. 鲍勃坐火车,玛丽乘地铁。  2. —Does Jim walk to school? 吉姆步行去学校吗?  —No, he doesnt. He rides his bike. 不,他
I am Mike and I am from Japan. I am twelve years old. My home is far from my school. It is about 65 kilometers. So I usually take a train to my school in the morning. My friend Sena goes to school wit
【口语展台】  1. —Hey, Peter. You know the rules. Dont run in the hallways. 嘿,彼得。你知道规矩,不要在走廊里跑。  —Sorry, Mr. Green. —抱歉,格林先生。  2. —What are the school rules, Alan? 艾伦,校规是什么?  —We cant listen to music in the
【建议句型聚焦】  Hi, dear friend! Heres a set of keys in the lost and found case from Mike at 123-4567. Is it your set of keys? 是或不是,你可能会说:  Lets look at it together!我们一起看看它吧!  What / How about asking your f