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从曾候乙墓分离到的16株菌,其中有11株为芽孢杆菌属类,4株微杆菌属,1林为黄色杆菌属。将16株细菌分别侵染6种木材,结果证明细菌降解对6种木材均有不同的韧性下降,个别木材出现腐烂病灶。2号菌降解后对泡桐、枣树、马尾松、香樟、刺槐和桑树分别下降8%,12%,10%,5%,10%和13%。3,5,6,7,8,9和16号菌对上述6种木材也有不同程度影响。而4,11,12,13,14和15号菌对6种木材的韧性下降影响不明显。但其渗透性大大提高了,因此也会影响木材的使用年限。采用杀菌、杀虫的石油气,乙醇等有机溶济,防治微生物降解产物对木材的浸蚀,均有较好的防菌、防认腐效果。 Of the 16 strains isolated from the Tomb of Zeng, 11 were Bacillus species, 4 Microbacterium species and 1 was Yellow Bacillus species. Sixteen kinds of wood were inoculated respectively by 16 strains of bacteria. The results showed that bacterial degradation had different toughness on 6 kinds of wood, and some wood appeared decayed lesions. Degradation of No. 2 strain decreased 8%, 12%, 10%, 5%, 10% and 13% of the paulownia, jujube, Pinus massoniana, camphora, locust and mulberry trees, respectively. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 16 have different degrees of influence on the above six kinds of wood. However, the effects of 4, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 on the ductility of 6 kinds of wood were not obvious. But its permeability has greatly increased, so it will also affect the useful life of wood. The use of bactericidal, insecticidal petroleum gas, ethanol and other organic solvents, the prevention and control of microbial degradation products of wood erosion, have better anti-bacterial, anti-corrosion effect.
The first binuclear iron fullerene derivative of(η 2 C 60 )[Fe(CO) 2(C 5H 5)] 2 , which was yellow brown and sensitive to air and moisture, was p
VPO polymer β NH 4(VO 2)(HPO 4) was synthesized from the mixture of NH 4VO 3 and NH 4H 2PO 4 in aqueous acidic solution. This hydrogenphosphate
北大方正集团是蒋必金毕业之后加入的第一个公司,也是他至今唯一服务的公司。人们都说初恋的感觉是最美的,蒋必金与北大方正的关系也是如此,16年的朝夕相处,方正精神、方正文化、方正情结已经融入血液、渗入骨髓。   蒋必金,方正科技副董事长兼执行总裁,方正科技大刀阔斧的改革先锋。可是站在我们面前的蒋必金,却完全是儒雅、含蓄,甚至有些憨厚的教师形象。他用平实但更具力度的语言,讲述他的方正生活……  
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