2000年11月,PEOPLE杂志年度票选“最性感的男人”排行榜中又再度出现了布莱德的名字,继1995年后,他又再次“光荣”地被选为全球最性感的男子,成为了至今唯—蝉联此项头衔的幸运男子。回想去年7月,在全世界不知道多少男人的欢呼声和女人的心碎声中走上红地毯的布莱德·彼德,却丝毫没有结婚而有损他的魅力。从几年的《偷拐抢骗》Snatch中的破英文吉普赛拳手到《墨西哥人》The Mexian中为黑帮老大跑龙套的小弟,他多变的角色性格与造型都为他带来了影评人与观众的优良评价,丝毫看不见“已婚男子”这个包袱为他带来的任何障碍。
In November 2000, Bled once again appeared in the list of the “Sexiest Men” ever voted by PEOPLE Magazine. After 1995, he was once again “gloriously” chosen as the sexiest man in the world and became So far only - lucky man reelected the title. Back in July last year, Bled Peter, who walked the red carpet without knowing how many men cheered around the world and the heartbreak of a woman, did not marry at the expense of his charm. From a few years of “snatch snatch” snatch in English gypsy boxer to the “Mexican” The Mexian gangster boss for the younger brother, his varied character and style have brought him critics and The good reviews of the audience did not at all obscure any obstacles to the “married man” burden.