A Fight of Heroes英雄之战

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  Many people love the Captain America series(美国队长系列电影). They’re very exciting. Superheroes beat(打败) bad people and protect(保护) the world. People begin to worry about the superpowers(超能力) of superheroes. So the government(政府) wants to make an Anti-hero Act(反英雄法令). Iron Man(钢铁侠) is for(支持) the Act. But Captain America is against(反对) the Act. That makes superheroes into two sides(对立、冲突等的一方). Captain America leads(带领) one side and Iron Man leads the other side. A battle(斗爭) between them begins. Which side will win? You can find the answer in Captain America: Civil War(《美国队长3》).
China is a country with the virtue(美德) of respecting the old. We have a special festival called Double Ninth Festival(重陽节). It’s a festival for caring for(关爱) the old people.  I respect the old, too.
China is my motherland. It lies in the east of Asia. As we all know, Beijing is the capital of China.  China’s population(人口) is more than 1.4 billion(十億). The population in the east is more than that
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What color is the wind,Daddy?  Is it yellow,red or blue?  When he’s playing with my hair, Daddy,  Does he do the same to you?  I know that grass is green,Daddy.  I’ve touched it with my toes.  And the
《义勇军进行曲》是一首极富创造性的歌曲,作曲家聂耳以巨大的激情投入此歌的创作。首先,他成功地把田汉散文诗般的歌词,按照音乐的规律,处理得生动、有力,又颇为口语化;在旋律创作上,他既吸收了国际上革命歌曲的优秀成果和西欧进行曲的风格特点,又使之具有浓郁的中华民族特色,从而使此歌能为大众所掌握,发挥其鼓舞民众的作用。  起来!不愿做奴隶的人们!  Arise! All those who don’t w
In the winter of 1948, Captain Gu Zidi and the Ninth Company(连) were dispatched(奉命) to the old mine(窑场) on the south bank of the Wen River to intercept(拦截) the enemy’s 254th Division(师). They must fig
In 2013, China proposed “the Belt and Road Initiative”(提出“一帶一路”倡议). The Belt is the Silk Road Economic Belt(丝绸之路经济带). The Road is the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road(21世纪海上丝绸之路).  The idea will help C