Study and practice of English autonomous learning mode in Vocational Colleges under network environm

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  [Abstract]This paper analyses the necessity and the feasibility of the innovation modes for college English Autonomous Learning under multimedia & network environment. At the same time, it proposes the idea for the student inquiries learning mode under the teacher guidance and student cooperation.
  [Keywords]English Autonomous Learning Mode, vocational colleges, multimedia & network
  中圖分类号:R6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2018)48-0169-01
  Autonomous learning is the study mode for learners in the overall teaching goal by macroeconomic regulation and under the guidance of teachers, according to their own conditions, learning content, learning method and learning self-regulation. Multimedia technology means that the form of autonomous learning is more flexible and the effect is more obvious.However, the construction of the effective mode of English autonomous learning in vocational college under the multimedia network environment is still in the exploration stage, and traditional education mode and thinking are still in existence.Combined with the current English language teaching model, analyst the higher vocational English autonomous learning mode under multimedia network environment, promoted the improvement of higher vocational English language learning, it is the inherent requirement for the talent training goal of vocational college.
  ⅠThe necessity of independent learning mode innovation in vocational college under the network environment.
  In the multimedia network environment, the traditional English teaching in college always give priority to the teacher, to the teaching material, to the grammar translation. The rote teaching method and mode can not meet the "cultivate the students' English comprehensive application ability".
  1. How to balance the classroom teaching and autonomous learning is not sure.
  Throughout the domestic English teaching situation, multimedia English teaching under the network environment has the tendency: Firstly, the classroom teaching still gives priority to the teacher who just copy lesson plans into multimedia courseware (PPT) using the single teaching mode , and the teaching is just playing PPT in the classroom. Secondly, it is exaggerated to emphasize the importance of English autonomous learning. Students are required to use the multimedia network freely to study independently, but they are lack of guidance and monitoring.
  2 The contradiction between the autonomous learning arrangement and the effective monitoring absence。   In the autonomous learning under the multimedia network environment, students can choose a foreign language learning method suitable for themselves according to their own conditions, learning schedule and personal tendency. The effective monitoring of autonomous learning is obvious insufficient. Firstly, the multimedia network environment broke the traditional education concept, but weakened the supervision of education management to students. Secondly, the multimedia network environment promoted the two-way communication of information, but weakened the monitoring among students. Thirdly, multimedia network has enriched the learning resources, but weakened the monitoring of learning relevance. Fourthly, multimedia network provided convenience for learning, but weakened the supervision of learning effectiveness.
  ⅡThe feasibility of independent learning mode in vocational colleges under the network environment.
  1. Constructive psychological theory is the theoretical basis for the innovation of English independent learning mode.
  According to the construction-ism represented by Swiss psychologist Piaget, learning is an active construction process. In this process, students are the subjects of learning, the processors, the organizers and information creators. Teachers are the organizers, the helpers and the promoters for student learning. Teaching is not the transmission of knowledge, but the processing and transformation of knowledge. Based on the theory of construction-ism, multimedia teaching mode under network technology is built to make the students under teacher's guidance and help, to become an active creator for the study and become a information collector and processor.
  2. Network technology provides a way for the English independent learning mode in vocational colleges.
  Multimedia network technology and network resources provide a lot of network teaching resources and a variety of vivid learning styles for teaching. In recent years, the rapid development of multimedia network technology makes the information presenting various structures and forms. It can not only provide learners with the latest knowledge and learning information, but also provide a interactive, convenient and sharing education environment.
  Ⅲ Innovative strategies for the independent learning mode in vocational colleges under the network environment.
  1. Construction for students' study mode under the teachers’ guidance   College English study is a kind of teaching and learning mode which focuses on the self-experience and self-exploration during the learning process. It also cultivates students' independent learning ability and innovation ability. Under the network environment, the study of English language exploration collects the network environment, the foreign language classroom teaching and the research.
  2. Build a mutual learning model for students under the independent participation of the network.
  The mutual learning model takes the students as the main character. Under the leadership of the teacher, the students' personality development and the satisfaction of the inner needs are the goals, and the cooperative awareness and cooperative ability are emphasized in the study.
  To sum up, the innovation of English autonomous learning mode in the multimedia network environment adapts to the objective requirement of the change of traditional English teaching methods in the information technology era.This networked teaching mode change the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode, establish the student-centered teaching concept, promote the formation of students' individualized learning methods and develop the students' autonomous learning ability, optimize English teaching, promote the quality education, improve the positive role for the teaching quality.
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