新疆古称“西域”,自古就是祖国不可分割的一部分。从公元前 6 0年汉朝统一西域 ,建立西域都护府开始 ,历经多次的政权更迭 ,近代以来 ,外国列强纷纷对新疆大肆侵略 ,都想把它占为己有。本文用大量的历史事实 ,反映了沙俄的罪恶行径 ,同时也论证了沙俄用大炮可以吓倒腐朽的清政府 ,但吓不倒热爱自己土地的新疆各族人民。
The ancient name of “Western Regions” in Xinjiang has always been an inalienable part of the motherland. From the beginning of the 60th year of the Han dynasty to the unification of the Western Regions and the establishment of the Western Regions’ capital and the protection of the Western Regions, after repeated regime changes, foreign powers have aggressively invaded Xinjiang in modern times and want to take it as their own. This article uses a large number of historical facts to reflect the evil acts of tsarist Russia. At the same time, it also demonstrates that the tsarist Russia used the cannon to intimidate the decadent Qing government but could not scare people from all ethnic groups in Xinjiang loving their land.