1995年元旦到了,新的一个春节也已临近。在这美好的日子里,本刊同人与诸位读者一样,怀着对新一年的憧憬,展望着事业的新发展,工作的新成就。诚然,更想借这个机会,感谢读者对本刊的厚爱和支持,向诸位恭贺佳节,道一声“春节好!” 春节是我们中华民族最重要的传统节日,不论海峡两岸,还是港澳和海外,凡我同胞,都对春节极为珍视,而且大体以相同或相近的内容、形式,享受节日的欢欣。 比如民谚云:“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子。”春节之前家家户户都要进行一次卫生大清扫,干干净净过新年,以祈新岁之安。
New Year’s Day in 1995, a new Spring Festival is approaching. In this wonderful day, our colleagues in the journal, like all of you, look forward to the new development of our cause and new achievements in our work with the vision of the new year. Admittedly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank readers for their love and support for this magazine and to congratulate you on the festival and say “Good Spring Festival!” The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese nation. No matter the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, Hong Kong, Macao or overseas, All my compatriots, are extremely valuable to the Spring Festival, and generally in the same or similar content, form, and enjoy the joy of the festival. For example, the saying goes: “The twelfth lunar month 24, dust sweep the house.” Before the Spring Festival every household should conduct a major clean-up, clean the New Year, to pray New Year’s security.