The diagnostic value of tumor abnormal protein and high sensitivity C reactive protein in screening

来源 :Oncology and Translational Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuleizishen
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Objective This study aimed to combine tumor abnormal protein(TAP) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP) level detection to diagnose endometrial cancer in patients with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm, and to provide a reference for clinical screening and diagnosis. Methods Clinical data from 19 cases of endometrial cancer, diagnosed on the basis of pathological findings, were collected from September 2014 to December 2015. The inclusion criteria were as follows: the patients were first diagnosed with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm and were all in menopause. Perimenopausal patients(n = 26) with uterine fibroids seen during the same period were selected as a control group. Serum TAP and hs-CRP levels of the patients in the two groups were simultaneously determined on admission. Results We found that both TAP and hs-CRP levels in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group [(182.95 ± 72.14) μm~2 vs.(133.19 ± 55.18) μm~2, P = 0.019;(7.52 ± 19.03) mg/L vs.(1.66 ± 2.31) mg/L, P = 0.136]. The sensitivity of TAP for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer was 73.68%, the specificity was 69.23%, and the Youden index was 0.4291. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of hs-CRP was 15.79% and 100%, respectively, and the Youden index was 0.1579. After plotting the receiver operating characteristics curves, the optimal cut-off value for TAP in diagnosing endometrial cancer was found to be 160.662 μm~2 and that for hs-CRP was 1.07 mg/L. Conclusion For patients suspected of having endometrial cancer with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm, combined detection of TAP and hs-CRP levels can be used as a screening tool and can provide new ideas regarding clinical diagnosis and treatment. Objective This study aimed to combine tumor abnormal protein (TAP) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) level detection to diagnose endometrial cancer in patients with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm, and to provide a reference for clinical screening and diagnosis. Methods Clinical data from 19 cases of endometrial cancer, diagnosed on the basis of pathological findings, were collected from September 2014 to December 2015. The patients were first diagnosed with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm and were all in menopause. Perimenopausal patients (n = 26) with uterine fibroids seen during the same period were selected as a control group. Serum TAP and hs-CRP levels of the patients in the two groups were also determined on admission. Results We found that both TAP and hs-CRP levels in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group [(182.95 ± 72.14) μm ~ 2 vs. (133.19 ± 55.18) μm ~ 2, P = 0.019; (7.52 ± 1 The sensitivity of TAP for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer was 73.68%, the specificity was 69.23%, and the Youden index was 0.4291. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of hs-CRP was 15.79% and 100%, respectively, and the Youden index was 0.1579. After plotting the receiver operating characteristics curves, the optimal cut-off value for TAP in diagnosed endometrial cancer was found to be 160.662 μm ~ 2 and that for hs-CRP was 1.07 mg / L. Conclusion For patients suspected of having endometrial cancer with endometrial thickness less than 8 mm, combined detection of TAP and hs-CRP levels can be used as a screening tool and can provide new ideas Regarding clinical diagnosis and treatment.
解放不久,中央机要部门在香山盖房子。一位领导乘机在一幽静的山坡为自己盖了两层小楼。房刚盖好,被毛泽东知道了,于是这位领导被毛泽东叫到面前。  毛泽东双手叉腰仔细打量着那人,好久都铁青着脸不吭声。一阵难耐的寂静过后,毛泽东终于发怒了:“你的派头真不小啊,我看和过去的帝王将相差不多了。我告诉你,你想当那刘宗敏,我却不肯当李自成呐!”  毛泽东边说边来回踱着大步:“你这么干,还配当共产党的干部吗?老百姓
[摘要]教师有责任引导和促进学生提出大量的高水平的数学问题,并通过提问进一步引发思维、掌握知识。本文就针对这一问题提出了几点策略:教学中正确对待学生的错误;在生产、生活中多引导学生进行观察和分析,从而发现问题、提出问题;采用“问题-探究-问题”式课堂教学模式。  [关键词]高中数学;提出问题能力;对策建议
Objective The aim of the study was to compare flattening filter-free(FFF) beams and conventional flattening filter(FF) beams in volumetric modulated arc therapy
德育教育是学校教育的基石和灵魂,其核心是做人的教育。教育家陶行知说:“道德是做人的根本,是建筑人格长城的基础。”“千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。”“立人要先立德,成才要先成人。”我们从事的教育是金字塔下最最基础的教育,在每一个环节上都应该时时处处塑造人,对学生一生的发展和信仰负责。  在过去的学校教育里,德育为什么一再加强却并未获得期望的结果呢?就是因为原来是一体的育德灵魂,从它的载体中分离