Landscape design of Jining Beihu Park

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  Water is the soul of a city,which is the key to the development and structure of a city.In planning and design,waterfront landscape plays a key role in protecting water resources.In the construction of urban green space and water body development,it not only has outstanding effect on improving the local air quality,but also plays a key role in improving the ecological environment of the city.
  With the improvement of urban economic level,awareness of drinking water source protection and ecological environment protection is also improving.In order to create a waterfront landscape that aims to protect the ecological environment and improve the quality of drinking water resources,it becomes an urgent demand for people.At the same time,waterfront landscape plays a key role in improving the urban image and improving the ecological environment.The design of waterfront park landscape creates a balanced ecosystem to meet the recreational and recreational waterfront park landscape by rational and scientific conception.Form a beautiful waterfront environment,and better promote people's communication.
  According to the needs of the region,the pursuit of "water source protection" and sustainable development are the main driving force of design creation.In this design,we should make full use of the design concept of ecological restoration system,plan and design the surrounding green space and water body,so as to achieve the purification of water body,improve the ecological environment,and help the sustainable development of the urban ecological environment.The main part is to repair the ecological environment of the wetlands and islands around the reservoir,the diversity of the river cross section,the restoration of the diversity of the vegetation and the improvement of the landscape of the waterfront park through the ecological environment,so as to reduce the pressure caused by human beings.Relying on the strength of nature itself and the power of artificial design to help improve the climate of the local environment,make the region not only to protect the environment but also to improve the local ecological environment,and to present a prosperous scene of harmonious coexistence between people and nature,to improve the quality and competitive power of the City,and to make the local ecological environment and economic development.Take a sustainable road.
  "Leisure and recreation" and "ecological protection" are the concept of this design.In the limited space around the lake water,a waterfront landscape with the theme of "Water Park" is designed.The park plays a role not only to protect the drinking water source and to improve the local ecological environment,but also to meet the needs of the leisure and entertainment activities of the residents around the city,and create a multiple space for activities and entertainment.   The overall style of the waterfront park is the water park.Meanwhile,the layout of the waterfront park is reasonable according to the requirements of the local ecological environment and economic development.With the difference of terrain and rich land resources to complete the integration of the landscaping of the region,the use of rich plant community configuration,construction of leisure and recreation of the ecological park.
  According to the terrain surrounding this area,the design of waterfront park can be divided into nine functional areas:entrance square,garden ornamental area,fitness and leisure area,dining rest area,children's amusement area,cultural area,hydrophilic area,flower ornamental area and fountain landscape area.It can meet people's needs through different functions.
  The innovative design of waterfront landscape is an inexhaustible motive force to drive the development of a regional economy,and plays a prominent role in improving the role of city image.The design of waterfront landscape is also an innovative field of design.Waterfront park landscape design,while pursuing continuous innovation,can not violate the strength of nature itself,through the combination of nature and the power of artificial assistance,so that the waterfront landscape to achieve the role of ecological restoration.Let waterfront park landscape not only satisfy residents' leisure and entertainment,but also achieve the protection of ecological environment and water source.Waterfront landscape in the planning and design of the design and design for reference at the same time create a new form,to achieve the traditional and modern integration of the design concept,so that a single waterfront landscape diversification direction development.
  One of the contents of waterfront landscape design and planning is the design and planning of waterfront ecosystem restoration system.The design of the waterfront ecological restoration system should take into account the design of the landscape as a whole.It will improve the landscape of waterfront park by restoring the construction of the wetlands and islands around the reservoir and reconstructing the water bank dam,restoring the diversity of the vegetation community around the water bank.Through the power of ecological restoration,we create a vigorous waterfront park landscape.
  The landscape design of waterfront park can not only protect the drinking water source but also improve the local ecological environment,so it should be constantly created in the planning and design.New and explored.Meanwhile,the establishment of waterfront landscape also provides a beautiful environment for people to enjoy safety,beauty,leisure and entertainment.Through the establishment of landscape,it becomes a diversified waterfront park landscape.
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