如今整个社会对中考的关注并不亚于高考 ,因为现在社会上的人普遍认为 :学生中考考上什么学校 ,就等于考取了什么样的大学。所以 ,人们就把中考像炒股一样“炒”得很热 ,中考就像一只温度很高的大烤箱 ,烤红了家长的眼睛 (翘首期盼 ) ,烤乱了学生的心 (身心疲惫 ) ,更烤焦了教
Nowadays, the whole society pays no more attention to the entrance examination than the college entrance examination because people in society generally believe that what students are admitted to in the examinations is equivalent to what kind of university they have taken. Therefore, people take the examinations as “fry” as hot as the stocks. The examination is like a large oven with a very high temperature. The eyes of the parents are baked red (looking forward), and the students’ hearts are burned (physical and mental exhaustion). , more scorching to teach