Biologically Enabled Syntheses of Nanostructured 3-D Sensor Materials:the Potential for 3-D Genetica

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanshileia001
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Three-dimensional (3-D)self-assembly of nanos- tructures and nanodevices on a large scale remains a grand quest for mankind.Freestanding nanostructured assemblies with controlled 3-D shapes can exhibit attractive properties for sensor and other applications. Protocols for 3-D self-assembly that can be scaled up for mass production on a large up to tonnage)scale, while preserving morphological features on a small (down to nanometer)scale,are needed to allow for widespread use of 3-D nanostructures in advanced devices.However,these often conflicting requirements of scalability and precision pose a difficult challenge for synthetic (man-made)processing routes. Three-dimensional (3-D) self-assembly of nanos-tructures and nanodevices on a large scale remains a grand quest for mankind. Freestanding nanostructured assemblies with controlled 3-D shapes can exhibit attractive properties for sensor and other applications. Protocols for 3 -D self-assembly that can be scaled up for mass production on a large up to tonnage) scale, while preserving morphological features on a small (down to nanometer) scale, are needed to allow for widespread use of 3-D nanostructures in advanced devices.However, these often conflicting requirements of scalability and precision pose a difficult challenge for synthetic (man-made) processing routes.
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