程子卉 妈妈是一辈子的责任

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说起当妈妈的感受,程子卉谈道:“母亲是伟大神圣的,说着简单做起来可是一辈子的责任。宝宝降生的那一刻女人也开始了人生中最重要的一项任务。开始的紧张,激动,兴奋,自己的辛苦努力终于要收获成果了,随之一辈子的责任就这样开始了。”“你觉得自己是个辣妈么?”我问道。“辣妈这个词如今是个热词,尤其是像我这个年纪的都开始身为人母啦,从电影,电视剧,综艺节目意义可以看到小朋友的身影,从而宝贝们的母亲也要有超凡脱俗的新定义啦,辣妈就此诞生啦。辣妈就是在生完宝宝后身材还像以前火辣,样貌和状态还像原来一样年轻自信。我现在除了事业方面(改行做孩子奶妈啦)其他都是没影响的。” Speaking of the feelings of the mother, Cheng Zu Hui talked about: “The mother is great and sacred, saying that simple to do it can be a lifelong responsibility.At the moment the baby is born, the woman also began one of the most important tasks in life. Tension, excitement, excitement, hard work of their own finally get fruit, then the responsibility of life began like this. ”“ Do you think you are a hot mom? ”I asked. “Hot mom is now a hot word, especially as I am the age of the beginning as a mother, from the film, drama, variety shows the meaning of children can see the shadow, so the baby’s mother also have extraordinary vulgar The new definition of it, the hot mom was born friends mom is born after the baby is still as hot as before, appearance and status as young confident as before, I now in addition to career (change to do the child nurse) other Are not affected. ”
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