依靠技术进步 发展煤炭生产

来源 :江苏煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangtang4211
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党的十一届三中全会以来,遵照党中央确定的依靠技术进步、振兴经济,实现本世纪末工农业总产值翻二番的宏伟目标和伟大战略部署,省煤炭总公司制定了全省煤炭的总体规划和技术发展规划。随着改革、开放、搞活方针的贯彻落实,煤炭生产逐步走上持续稳定发展的轨道,1978~1986年全省每年平均生产原煤1661.566万t,比“五五”期间提高8.28%,全省国营煤矿平均百万吨死亡率明显降低,其中统配煤矿比“五五”期间降低26.11%;地方国营煤矿降低 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, following the grand goal and strategic plan of relying on technological progress, revitalizing the economy and quadrupling the gross industrial and agricultural output at the end of this century as determined by the Central Party Committee, the provincial coal company has formulated the Master Planning and Technology Development Planning. With the implementation of the guidelines of reform, opening up and invigorating, the coal production has gradually taken the track of sustained and steady development. From 1978 to 1986, the province produced an average of 16,615,660 tons of raw coal per year, 8.28% more than the period of the “Fifth Five-Year Plan” The average death rate per million tons of coal mines was significantly reduced, of which coal mines were reduced by 26.11% over the “Five-year” period; local state-owned coal mines were reduced
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