延安时期是我们党历史上体现“三个代表”思想最充分的时期之一。所形成的延安精神是“三个代表”重要思想的重要源头,而“三个代表”则是延安精神的丰富和发展。江泽民同志关于“延安精神永放光芒”的题词就充分体现了“三个代表”与延安精神二者的统一。江泽民同志继承历史、立足现实,前瞻未来所作出“三个代表”的精辟论断,是对马克思主义建党学说的新发展,是对毛泽东思想的丰富和创新,是全党当前和今后的一项重大任务。也是对延安精神的继承和发展。 一、“三个代表”与延安精神一脉相承 延安时期是我们党纠正了“左”,右倾机会主义错误,确立了
The Yan’an period was one of the fullest periods in the party history to embody the “three represents.” The Yan’an Spirit formed is an important source of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ while the ’Three Represents’ are the enrichment and development of the Yan’an spirit. Comrade Jiang Zemin’s inscription on “Yan’an Spirit Shines Forever” fully demonstrates the unification of the “three represents” and the Yan’an spirit. Comrade Jiang Zemin’s succession of history, based on reality and forward-looking future make the brilliant thesis of “three represents,” which is a new development of the Marxist party building theory and an enrichment and innovation of Mao Zedong Thought, and is a major present and future for the entire party task. It is also the inheritance and development of Yan’an Spirit. I. The “Three Represents” Belong to the Spirit of Yanan Yan’an was the period when our party corrected “Left” and right opportunism was wrong and established