Based on the theory of environmental damage, the theory of exfoliation of high temperature heated surface of boiler is expounded.The cavities in the interface between the inner and outer layers of the double layer scale are the internal cause of scale exfoliation, the stress that the scale is exposed to is oxidized Skin exfoliation of the external cause of oxide skin can be divided into internal causes and external causes, internal causes are mainly metal chromium content, external factors include steam parameters and steam oxygen content, etc. Main steam oxygen content and chromate content between Has a significant positive correlation, while the main steam hydrogen conductivity is a reflection of chromium oxide scale characteristics of the exfoliation.Outside the scale after peeling, the inner oxide scale will continue to thicken, but difficult to peel off.For the large oxide scale has occurred Exfoliation area of the super (super) critical boilers, if the inspection confirmed that hot surface oxide skin peeling more complete, exfoliating the oxide skin clean more thoroughly, then for a long period of scale peeling problem will no longer be operational risk.