Acupuncture, decoction, and acupuncture are also listed as the three major methods for treating diseases in the ancient China. Acupuncture and clinical studies of traditional Chinese medicine have a long history, and they have been in the long course of development of more than two thousand years. Not only has accumulated a wealth of experience in diagnosis and treatment, but also formed a unique set of theoretical systems. In the long history, the ancestors have used acupuncture in the community to treat diseases and relieve the suffering of the people. With its simple method and remarkable curative effect, it has won the recognition of the people. However, due to the limitations of history, all generations of deep-seated medical ancestors considered this law to be cheats and refused to show it easily. The apprentices are very rigorous, and their dictation is limited to the public. It is far less than the spread of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. According to legend, few masters of this technique have now become rare treasures in the cultural heritage of Chinese medicine.