冠状动脉及其分支正常情况下主要走行于心外膜下脂肪组织或心外膜的深面,有时部分被心肌纤维束覆盖,该纤维束称为心肌桥。心肌桥患者有多种临床表现,部分可表现为心肌梗死,易误诊。现报道疑似心肌梗死的心肌桥病变1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,48岁。主因胸骨后疼痛1个月、加重1 d
Coronary artery and its branches under normal circumstances mainly in the subepical fat tissue or epicardial deep, and sometimes covered in part by the myocardial fiber bundle, the fiber bundle called the myocardial bridge. Myocardial bridge patients have a variety of clinical manifestations, some can be manifested as myocardial infarction, misdiagnosis. Myocardial infarction is reported myocardial bridge suspected lesions in 1 case as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 48 years old. Mainly due to pain in the chest after 1 month, increased 1 d