在陕西佛坪县的县域地图上,是查不到西河保护站这个地名的,我只能看到一条由北向南流淌的河流,名为西河。西河作为一个地名,它在西河的原头附近,是一块没有被人开发的土地,地图上把那儿用显著的绿色字样标注着“大熊猫自然保护区”。西河保护站是佛坪与洋县、太白、周至交界的地方.横亘着庞大的秦岭山脉,矗立着海拔2819米的黄桶梁,在动物保护者的眼里,这块地图上的空白之地, 是给大熊猫留下的一块丛林中的净土,是物竞天择形威的动物天堂。
Fuping County in Shaanxi county map, is not found Xihe Protection Station of the place name, I can only see a river flowing from north to south, known as the West River. As a place name, Xihe is a piece of untapped land near the head of the Xihe River, marked on the map with the remarkably green words “Panda Nature Reserve.” West River Protection Station is Foping and Yangxian, Taibai, Zhouzhi junction of the place. Across the vast Qinling Mountains, stands the 2819 meters above sea level yellow bucket beam, in the eyes of animal protectionist, the blank space on this map is for the Giant Panda to leave a jungle of the Pure Land, is a competitive Natural form of ancestral animal paradise.