问:我是身体残疾的农民,与正常劳动力一样承包土地耕种、纳税缴款。因身有残疾,自食其力已有困难,再纳税缴款感到有些不堪负担。请问:在纳税缴款上残疾人能否得到照顾呢? 向明 答:《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》第33条第1款规定:“国家对残疾人福利性企业事业组织和城乡残疾人个体劳动者,实行税收减免政策,并在生产、经营、技术、资金、物质、场地等方面给予扶持
Q: I am a physically handicapped farmer who, like the normal workforce, contracts for land cultivation and tax payment. Due to a disability, self-support has been difficult, and then pay some tax payments feel unbearable. I would like to ask: Can people with disabilities pay attention to tax payments? Xiang Ming A: Paragraph 1 of Article 33 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of the Disabled provides: "The State shall provide the disabled enterprises, welfare enterprises and urban and rural disabled persons Individual laborers should implement the policy of tax deduction and exemption and give support to production, operation, technology, capital, material and venue