Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Cancer Research Unit of the World Health Organization in Geneva reviewed data on the incidence, mortality and relative frequency of cancer. Estimated number of new cases in 24 regions worldwide. International cancer statistics still need to be published after a certain period of time. Therefore, 1975 was used as a reference year. The estimated number of new cancer cases is 5.9 million years, which may be estimated to be low. The six most common cancers in male patients were 464,000 lung cancers, 422,000 gastric cancers, 251,000 colon and rectal cancers, 233,000 oral and pharyngeal cancers, 198,000 prostate cancers and 194,000 esophageal cancers, 541,000 breast cancers among women, and cervical cancers. 459,000, 261,000 gastric cancer, 256,000 colon cancer and rectal cancer, 127,000 lung cancer, and 107,000 oral and pharyngeal cancers. The above cancer and liver, bladder,