When the last showdown, Martin, returned to Washington from San Francisco, the CIA informed him that a senior KGB official called Yurchenko had defected. From 1975 to 1980, Yurchenko was the security officer of the Soviet embassy in the United States. On the eve of the defection, the KGB headquarters ordered him to inspect all the files of the Walker Spy Group in order to find out who had betrayed it, the most successful espionage group the KGB believes has ever existed. Yurchenko said: The password system provided by Walker and Whitworth has caused the Soviets to crack millions of American televisions. In arranging the case by Yurchenchenko, a senior KGB official stressed solemnly that in the event of a war, the Soviet Union’s cracked secret U.S. power will bring a devastating blow to the United States. This conclusion came from the Soviet Union