以上海市桃浦五村居民楼地基加固为工程背景 ,对粉喷桩加固复合地基在纵向等长桩布置、长短桩间隔布置、减小下部桩身水泥掺入比和横向不同桩间距条件下的受力、变形进行了数值模拟研究。提出了在满足地基承载力要求前提下可以采用长短桩间隔布置和减小下部桩身水泥掺入比的优化设计方法 ,研究结果已在桃浦五村部分居民楼地基加固设计中得到采用
In order to reinforce the groundwork of residential buildings in the five villages of Taopu in Shanghai as the engineering background, the long-short piles are arranged at intervals along the longitudinal direction of DJM piles reinforced composite foundation to reduce the cement mixing ratio of the lower piles and the lateral piles with different pile spacing Force, deformation of the numerical simulation. The optimal design method that can use long-short pile spacing arrangement and reduce the cement mixing ratio of the lower pile body under the premise of satisfying the bearing capacity of foundation is proposed. The research results have been adopted in the reinforcement design of some residential buildings in Taopu-Wucun