古风盎然的格林威治村到处充满令人意外的惊喜。一到夜里,整个村子就活了起来,咖啡馆、参观、实验剧场、音乐俱乐部及爵士乐表演在每个角落频频向你招手。村中有迷人的街屋、隐蔽的陋巷以及翠绿的庭院。一些稍嫌怪异的建筑也和此地的波西米亚气氛相得益彰。在狭窄的老式街道上住着剧作家尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill)及演员达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)等艺术家。漫步在格林威治村块状街道上,处处都可以见到纽约知名的作家和艺术家曾经居住、工作或玩乐的地方。
The ancient Greenwich Village is full of surprises. In the evenings, the entire village is alive and the waving cafes, visits, experimental theater, music clubs and jazz shows are on the move. The village has charming street houses, hidden shelters and green courtyards. Somewhat weird building and the bohemian atmosphere here also complement each other. In the narrow streets of the old, there are artists such as playwright Eugene O’Neill and actress Dustin Hoffman. Wander through block streets in Greenwich Village, where you’ll find places once New York’s well-known writers and artists used to live, work or play.