中图分类号:G647 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2010)-06-0208-02
英语体裁写作大致四类:记叙文,说明文,描写文,议论文。A genre can be defined as a clustering of textual features that address the situational needs of the reader (Swales, 1988; Bazerman, 1988, 1994,2009; Bawarshi, 2003; Berkenkotter and Huckin, 1994; Devitt, 2004).不同的体裁有不同的语言特征,和不同的与读者交流的目的。例如,记叙文是作者向读者讲述一个事件,经历等。说明文写作的目的就是要告诉读者某个事物或某个事物的某方面的知识。描写文就是以描写为主要手法,以写人摹景状物为主要内容的文章,即运用形象化及生动的语言,把景物或人物具体地刻画出来 议论文的主要表达方式是议论,即用概念、判断、推理来表明作者的观点,阐明道理;或者批驳别人的错误意见,指出其谬误。在中国非英语专业的英语教学中,存在着学生人数多,班级庞大。一般来说,一个班级大约超过30人。一个老师担任的教学班级起码是两个班级以上。在英语写作的教学过程中,为了能给学生反馈,教师必须逐一批改学生作文,老师的批改任务繁重。
在这篇文章中,作者通过一种课堂互动的卡内基.梅隆大学计算机技术DocuScope(Kaufer, Ishizaki, Butler, Collins, 2004; Kaufer, Ishizaki, Collins, Vlachos, 2006,Yongmei Hu, Jiandong Wang,2008)来帮助非英语学生练习英语体裁写作和得到及时的反馈,以期达到提高学生英语输出能力的目的。DocuScope,建立在Java程序语言上,通过20几年研究者们努力,汇集2500多万的英语语言词汇和功能,以及各种文体的语言范畴和功能。通过数据和可视语言,帮助识别英语写作体裁特点。再通过Minitab软件得到图表和数据,纠正学生在体裁写作中的错误语言特征,规范学生在英语写作体裁框架下。这样,老师就不必逐一的批改学生作文,老师可以在几分钟内得到学生的写作情况,在范围之内的英语作文就是符合规范的,反之范围外的学生就要进行归范练习。在规范了学生的体裁写作特征后,老师帮助学生,对作文进行语法,结构,句子等的修改。最终获得符合体裁规范,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯的英语作文。
xiaohua's national hollday____by Feng Liyong
he will tell you what he did in the national holliday he went to go home.he have a go home trip .On his go home way ,he was looking forward to go home and meet his father and mother.when he get home,he finded out his father have aincurable disease and his mother on die ways,he feel very formidable and feel sorry.Maybe his parents will leave he in the future.He look for doctor for his parents,but anything is late.In his national hollday, he saw his mother dead,Both his father and I are very grieve !Now, I 'm worried my father die,and leaving him is lonely.So, he speak his idea with his father .His father was console he! But now he dead!he was very terrible.
My national holiday---by Liu Kai
In fact,about the"longest vacation in history",I have ever planed to take a travel.It's not to go somewhere far but just somewhere interesting to relax my heart.But then I know it's not realistic.Even if my family is large,I have five cousin ,but no one like travel!My father is far away from us to make money,my mother have to look after my grandmother.Oh,how can I take travel with my younger brother who is only three years old?So I gave it up,my heart was broken. Everyday in the holiday I found myself like a pig,fall asleep,wake up,have dinner,watch TV,play computer and then sleep.Day after day,oh I'm sorry,just eight day,I'm so boring that I can't stand with it anymore! It's so happy to me to come back to school at that time.But now Iregret.I was so miss my softbed, grandma's delicious food,sister's jokes,even my mother's constant chatter.Now I know what'simportant for me,It's not to take a travel in holiday,but have a good time with family.Family is the best place in the world for us to relax our heart,family's love is the best important thing we need.
[1]Donald Knuth; James H. Morris, Jr, Vaughan Pratt. "Fast pattern matching in strings". SIAM Journal on Computing 6 (2): 323–350 (1977).
[2]Bawarshi, Anis.Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition.Logan:Utah State UP, 2003.
[3]Devitt, Amy J.Writing Genres.Carbondale:Southern Illinois UP, 2004.
[4]Kaufer, D., Ishizaki, S.,Butler, B. Collins, J. The Power of Words: Unveiling the Writer and Speaker’s Hidden Craft. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
[5]Kaufer, D., Ishizaki S, Collins, J., Vlachos P.: Teaching Language Awareness in Rhetorical Choice: Using IText and Visualization in Classroom Genre Assignments. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 18,3 (2006) 361-402.
[6]Bazerman, Charles, Adair Bonini, and Debora Figueiredo, eds. Genre in a Changing World. Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.
中图分类号:G647 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2010)-06-0208-02
英语体裁写作大致四类:记叙文,说明文,描写文,议论文。A genre can be defined as a clustering of textual features that address the situational needs of the reader (Swales, 1988; Bazerman, 1988, 1994,2009; Bawarshi, 2003; Berkenkotter and Huckin, 1994; Devitt, 2004).不同的体裁有不同的语言特征,和不同的与读者交流的目的。例如,记叙文是作者向读者讲述一个事件,经历等。说明文写作的目的就是要告诉读者某个事物或某个事物的某方面的知识。描写文就是以描写为主要手法,以写人摹景状物为主要内容的文章,即运用形象化及生动的语言,把景物或人物具体地刻画出来 议论文的主要表达方式是议论,即用概念、判断、推理来表明作者的观点,阐明道理;或者批驳别人的错误意见,指出其谬误。在中国非英语专业的英语教学中,存在着学生人数多,班级庞大。一般来说,一个班级大约超过30人。一个老师担任的教学班级起码是两个班级以上。在英语写作的教学过程中,为了能给学生反馈,教师必须逐一批改学生作文,老师的批改任务繁重。
在这篇文章中,作者通过一种课堂互动的卡内基.梅隆大学计算机技术DocuScope(Kaufer, Ishizaki, Butler, Collins, 2004; Kaufer, Ishizaki, Collins, Vlachos, 2006,Yongmei Hu, Jiandong Wang,2008)来帮助非英语学生练习英语体裁写作和得到及时的反馈,以期达到提高学生英语输出能力的目的。DocuScope,建立在Java程序语言上,通过20几年研究者们努力,汇集2500多万的英语语言词汇和功能,以及各种文体的语言范畴和功能。通过数据和可视语言,帮助识别英语写作体裁特点。再通过Minitab软件得到图表和数据,纠正学生在体裁写作中的错误语言特征,规范学生在英语写作体裁框架下。这样,老师就不必逐一的批改学生作文,老师可以在几分钟内得到学生的写作情况,在范围之内的英语作文就是符合规范的,反之范围外的学生就要进行归范练习。在规范了学生的体裁写作特征后,老师帮助学生,对作文进行语法,结构,句子等的修改。最终获得符合体裁规范,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯的英语作文。
xiaohua's national hollday____by Feng Liyong
he will tell you what he did in the national holliday he went to go home.he have a go home trip .On his go home way ,he was looking forward to go home and meet his father and mother.when he get home,he finded out his father have aincurable disease and his mother on die ways,he feel very formidable and feel sorry.Maybe his parents will leave he in the future.He look for doctor for his parents,but anything is late.In his national hollday, he saw his mother dead,Both his father and I are very grieve !Now, I 'm worried my father die,and leaving him is lonely.So, he speak his idea with his father .His father was console he! But now he dead!he was very terrible.
My national holiday---by Liu Kai
In fact,about the"longest vacation in history",I have ever planed to take a travel.It's not to go somewhere far but just somewhere interesting to relax my heart.But then I know it's not realistic.Even if my family is large,I have five cousin ,but no one like travel!My father is far away from us to make money,my mother have to look after my grandmother.Oh,how can I take travel with my younger brother who is only three years old?So I gave it up,my heart was broken. Everyday in the holiday I found myself like a pig,fall asleep,wake up,have dinner,watch TV,play computer and then sleep.Day after day,oh I'm sorry,just eight day,I'm so boring that I can't stand with it anymore! It's so happy to me to come back to school at that time.But now Iregret.I was so miss my softbed, grandma's delicious food,sister's jokes,even my mother's constant chatter.Now I know what'simportant for me,It's not to take a travel in holiday,but have a good time with family.Family is the best place in the world for us to relax our heart,family's love is the best important thing we need.
[1]Donald Knuth; James H. Morris, Jr, Vaughan Pratt. "Fast pattern matching in strings". SIAM Journal on Computing 6 (2): 323–350 (1977).
[2]Bawarshi, Anis.Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition.Logan:Utah State UP, 2003.
[3]Devitt, Amy J.Writing Genres.Carbondale:Southern Illinois UP, 2004.
[4]Kaufer, D., Ishizaki, S.,Butler, B. Collins, J. The Power of Words: Unveiling the Writer and Speaker’s Hidden Craft. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
[5]Kaufer, D., Ishizaki S, Collins, J., Vlachos P.: Teaching Language Awareness in Rhetorical Choice: Using IText and Visualization in Classroom Genre Assignments. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 18,3 (2006) 361-402.
[6]Bazerman, Charles, Adair Bonini, and Debora Figueiredo, eds. Genre in a Changing World. Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.