同胞弟兄均患食管癌,较少见。现将同胞三兄弟同患食管癌病例报告如下: 例1,男,59岁,农民,因吞嚥不适、不畅和吞嚥梗阻3月,于1989年7月而来我所诊治。经X线食道钡餐拍片示:T_3下缘平面食道长5cm狭窄段,局部粘膜破坏,充缺明显,管壁僵硬,诊断:“食管中段癌”。食道拉网细胞学检查查见鳞癌细胞。于1989.7.3进行~(60)钴放射治疗,现健在。
Compatriots are suffering from esophageal cancer and are rare. The cases of three brothers with esophageal cancer are reported as follows: Case 1, male, 59 years old, farmer, diagnosed with swallowing discomfort, impediment, and swallowing obstruction in March, came to our office in July 1989. The X-ray esophagus barium meal film showed: T_3 lower edge of the esophagus 5cm length of the narrow segment, local mucosal damage, lack of significant clear, rigid wall, diagnosis: “Esophageal middle segment cancer.” Esophageal pull cytology examined squamous cell carcinoma. Cobalt radiotherapy was performed at 1989.7.3 and is now active.