肝脏疾病是危害人类健康的重要疾病,其发病率和病死率均位居前列. 其中肝纤维化是各种慢性肝脏疾病发展的共同病理学基础,肝纤维化甚至部分早期肝硬化是可以发生逆转的,因此早期诊断疾病对于病情的进展及转归均具有重要的意义. 超声弹性成像技术是近些年来新兴的无创超声诊断技术,其具有定性及定量分析组织弹性的能力,可以较真实地还原病变的大小、位置及形态,判定病变的良恶性,因而广泛地应用于临床工作中.“,”Liver disease is an important disease that endangers human health , with its morbidity and mortality among the top.Liver fibrosis is a common pathological basis for the development of a variety of chro-nic liver diseases, however,liver fibrosis and even part of the early cirrhosis can be reversed.Therefore,early diagnosis of the disease has great significance in the progression and prognosis of the disease .Ultrasound elas-tography is a noninvasive ultrasound diagnostic technology emerging in recent years , it has the advantage ofqualitative and quantitative analysis on tissue elasticity,and can veritably reflect the size,location and shape of lesions and identify benign and malignant lesions,therefore,is widely used in clinical work.