Qi Ⅲ gold deposit is located in the upper Anzai fault of West Junggar, and forms a Hatuang metallogenic belt with the western Hatu, Qi Ⅱ gold deposit and the eastern Qi, Bao, and Huangshanshan gold deposits. Mineralized tuffs, tuffaceous mudstones and tuffaceous siltstones develop muscovite, silicification, carbonatation and pyrite alteration. Diagenesis and mineralization process can be divided into strawberry pyrite stage (I), muscovite quartz stage (Ⅱ), isolated pyrite stage (Ⅲ), sulfide-natural gold stage (Ⅳ), calcite-pyrite Stage (V), iron dolomite-albite stage (VI) and quartz-calcite stage (VII). As and S contents of arsenic-bearing pyrite are negatively correlated, and late pyrite contains almost no arsenic. Rare earth element patterns are rightward and Cs, Rb, La, Ce, Ti, V, Cu, Zn are depleted in strongly altered tuffs, indicating that they are extracted by migration from the surrounding rock and Cr, Ni, Brought into the rock. The formation temperature of sulfide-natural gold stage (IV) is 301 ℃ ~ 340 ℃, and the sulfurflux logf (S2) is -8.1 ~ -10.8, which is higher than that of Hatu gold deposit, East mineralization depth becomes deeper.