Racial Discrimination

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  【Abstract】: This passage is focused on racial discrimination, which has drew the attentions of people all over the world . Many conflicts has risen in the recently years , white man want to conquer the black while the black man is struggling for their existence . And there are some ways to help decrease these kind of conflicts , reduce the incidence rate of this phenomenon to a certain degree .
  【Key words 】: racial discrimination ; white man ; black man
  1. Introduction
  It’s known to us that America is a country of immigrants , whose development is full of immigrant color . Since Columbus had discovered the new continent which is called America now in 1492 , American had suffered migration for several times . As a result , there were Anglo-Saxon , French , Italian , German , Irish , Nordic , black Africa , Mexican , Latino etc , settling down here . According to data from recent surveys the population of the America had reached three hundred million , two thirds of which was white people while the rest was the other nations .
  Whether white people or minority nations , the majority of them were here to look for survival and development , of course , except the black Africa who were trafficked to North America at the beginning period . It was the America dream that attracted people from different places and different descriptions gathering together , and made joint efforts to created the glorious America Civilization . In this kind of civilization , there was a smell of gunpowder all the time . Up to now , the severe conflicts and opposites between different races are still exist . Meanwhile , the fights of anti-discrimination from the minority nations like black man have never stopped .
  2. Some examples of racial discrimination
  Until now , it is still very common to see white man’s prejudices towards black man at the present day .
  On December 1st , 1955 , a tailor whose name was Parks , while she was sitting in a seat on a bus , a white man came up to her and asked her to offer the sit seat for him . Absolutely , Parks rejected his request at once . As a result , Parks was fined four dollars and imprisoned . Her being under arrest aroused the battle that black man boycotted buses , extended for three hundred and eighty one days . And the leader then was unknown priest Martin Luther King . This name was honored by the Fighter of anti racial segregation and the owner of the Noble Price . Finally , this case ended in the compromise of the supreme court , who relieved the law of the white and black man segregation in 1956 . Then five years later , the Civil Rights Law issued an injunction the racial discrimination in public . It was not a matter of the virtue of respecting the old and cherishing . It was the law that black man and white man had to be apart from each other , and black man had to offer their seats for white man .   There’s another instance of the present president Obama . As the first African descendant president , made a speech Edmund Pettus Bridge , and announced that the Civil Right War was still continuing , and the Racial discrimination Fight was still waiting to succeed . Facing with the violence towards black man , Obama said that he could not accept the statement that the American racial relationship were all the same as ever before in spite of shooting African descendants by the American policeman . He added that the things happened in Furgurson was not a particular case , but it was certainly a common phenomenon and it would not be conventions anymore . It was the biggest different from it d been fifty years ago . Of course , he admitted that you would find the racial discrimination did not disappeared entirely , otherwise , their Selma demonstration had not come to en end yet . 3. Some ways to change this point of view
  Since the origin of racial discriminatory current situation was complicated , the efforts should be made by different parties .
  First of all , the government should declare a ban on racial discrimination and take s series of new policies to protect black man’s legitimate interests .
  Then as the sponsor of this campaign , the first thing for white man is looking upon the history in the right perspective instead of following what the older generation thought and said .And the most important thing white man should do is to get an agreement on their benefits with black man . Neither white man or black man or other minority nations should recognize that each of them is indispensable to America . Every nation has the right to acquire social benefits .
  Finally , black man , the subject of this campaign , also should make efforts to win this struggle . They should insist that they are on an equal footing with white man both morally and physically .
  Besides , they should struggle for the success of this battle persistently . Once they give in , they lose the game of living .
  4. Conclusion
  American racial discrimination is not only a problem of America , it is also the worldwide problem . To solve this problem thoroughly , it depends on American themselves , mostly on white man . American white man should put away their prejudice and treat other nations understandingly . American government should offer equal opportunities to people of all nationalities . In January , 2009 , Obama preached in his inaugural that he believed this kind of segregation would disappear with the world becoming more and more small one day . Without doubt , what he said cleared his wish of removing the racial discrimination , and it made whose who love peace see a hopeful world . Although it is still a long and winding way to rebuild a world without racial discrimination , there’s hope that a new , free , democratic and equal culture will replace the old one through the efforts made by every nations .
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【摘要】: 从1840年开始,“中国梦”的思想逐渐的开始萌芽,到现今逐渐形成了一个体系、一个目标。“中国梦”在不断的与时俱进,在这170多年的历史变迁中,“中国梦”大致可以分成两大阶段的“中国梦”,一是处于半殖民地半封建社会中“中国梦”,二是新中国成立以后的“中国梦”。习近平总书记说过,“中国梦”是近代以来实现中华民族的伟大复兴,这是近代以来中国最伟大的“中国梦”。“中国梦”在不同的时代有不同时代
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【摘要】: 在中国的建筑发展史上,民国时期无疑是一个重要的节点。中国和西方的风格并存,相互交融,共同构成了兼容中外、融汇南北的民国建筑图卷。 随着城市的发展,时代的变迁,在大环境的影响下,每个城市在不同的阶段都会出现不同的建筑风格的转变,哪怕细微的变化都会给人不同的视觉感受。  【关键词】:民国时期;建筑;风格;现状  一.武汉民国时期建筑的历史起源  自第一次鸦片战争以来,中国就陷入了半殖民地半
【摘要】: 1949年1月,北平解放,全国各地人民欢欣鼓舞,期望全国早日解放。在榆林,我们的党为了拯救人民于水深火热之中,以英勇无畏,一往无前的战斗精神,文修武治的韬略智慧采取了各种战略措施。其中,发动群众,组织“和平促进会“就是其中一项重大措施。和平促进会开展了形式多样的支援解放的活动,在那段峥嵘的岁月中谱写了壮丽的篇章,成为榆林和平解放历史中一颗耀眼的明星。1949年6月1日,榆林和平解放,从
【摘要】: 萧绎世人称之为梁元帝。他的著作有《金楼子》,《金楼子》有许多永垂于后世的文学理论主张。萧绎简谱一方面记录其出生之后至登第之前所发生的重大历史事件;另一方面详细考证其生平事迹。历史背景与人物生平相结合,更为全面地展现萧绎短暂一生的具体风貌。  【关键词】:萧绎;年谱  萧绎梁元帝(508年―555年),字世诚,小字七符,自号金楼子,南兰陵(今江苏武进)人,高祖第七子也,南北朝时期梁代皇帝
【摘要】: 毛泽东教育思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,是我国社会主义教育事业改革和发展的指导思想,具有丰富的内涵和鲜明的职业教育特征,对中国实现职业教育梦有着重要的启示。  【关键词】:毛泽东教育思想;中国;职业教育;启示   一、引言  毛泽东同志是伟大的无产阶级思想家、革命家、战略家和理论家,是中国现代教育的开拓者。毛泽东教育思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,是马克思主义教育思想在中国的发展,是
【摘要】: 人格的塑造与培养在士兵成长过程中具有举足轻重的作用,而主官在此过程中将扮演主导者的角色。部队主官应该在生活中注重增强士兵幸福感以提升战斗力。这需要主官认识到幸福感的重要意义、具备爱与博爱的人格系统,避免功利主义的影响。  【关键词】:人格的塑造与培养;幸福感;主官人格;功利主义驱动  人格很重要,部队士兵更需要有完善的人格。如何培养士兵人格,在人格塑造方面要注重哪些要点呢?经过调查,学
【摘要】: 党的作风体现着党的宗旨,关系党的形象,关系人心向背,关系党和国家的生死存亡。各级领导干部是党和国家的骨干力量,其作风如何,对党和人民事业发展有着极为重要的影响。加强领导干部作风建设,要切实加强教育,夯实领导干部作风建设的思想道德基础;要密切与群众的联系,增强领导干部作风建设的群众基础;要强化监督,筑牢加强领导干部作风建设的外部保障;要加强制度建设,铸筑领导干部作风建设的硬保障。  【关
【摘要】: 在现代化发展过程中,中日两国的经济、政治等关系日趋密切,但也暴露出明显的民族化矛盾,不仅影响到了两国国民的感情,在一定程度上也制约着中日两国政府对待对方的政策。在民族主义的条件下,中日双方仍处于对立面,易陷入极端和消极的民族主义。只有更好的加强中日双方的理解与互惠,逐渐淡化两国的不合理的民族主义,才能推进两国的民族感情的好转,优化两国民族主义的理性管理。  【关键词】:中日关系;民族主
【摘要】: 大道教是金初北方的三大道派之一,既不拘于以往的道教传统义理,也不讲究斋醮科仪等道教礼仪,仅从自身所处的社会处境,以及对《道德经》的理解为立足点,贴近平民心理,讲求自身对老子之道的践行。在世传播期间,创教人刘德仁对道派教理教义的创制与践行的贡献最为突出。因他本人对道教理论的独特见解,使大道教成为道教史上一个颇具特色的教派。  【关键词】:宗旨;践行;独特;  大道教是金初北方三大新道派之