CT与MRI在心血管疾病的研究和临床应用中发挥着越来越大的作用,给心血管系统的成像技术带来新鲜血液。 为了应用于心血管系统,MR的硬件和软件均有很大改善和提高,包括扫描速度增快、图像质量改善及更为强大梯度场的多通道线圈的应用,传统的以钆为基础的造影剂也在向美国FDA申请应用于心血管成像。16排螺旋CT得到广泛普及,此外40排和164排CT也开始应用于临床;心电门控技术使得CT心脏后处理重建成为可能,从而可以评价冠脉情况和心脏功能。
CT and MRI play an increasingly important role in the research and clinical application of cardiovascular diseases, bringing new blood to the cardiovascular imaging system. In order to apply the cardiovascular system, MR hardware and software have greatly improved and improved, including the application of multi-channel coil with faster scanning speed, better image quality and more powerful gradient field. The traditional Gd-based imaging Agents are also applying to the U.S. FDA for cardiovascular imaging. 16-slice spiral CT has been widely used, in addition to 40 rows and 164 rows CT also began to be used in clinical; ECG gating technology makes CT cardiac reconstruction possible, which can evaluate the coronary conditions and cardiac function.