李文魁盗金库发生在1941年11月,是大同史无前例的一件奇案。由于被盗者是大同日伪蒙疆银行,所以当时民间对此案件十分关心,并大都抱以幸灾乐祸的心情,流传纷纷,家喻户晓。 李文魁是大同西南乡人,出生于1905年,家境很贫寒。12岁到成衣铺当徒工,未满3年便谢师当了裁缝,单管收针线活儿,早晚跟一些爱好武术的人习拳练棒。25
Li Wen Quebec Pirates vault occurred in November 1941, Datong is an unprecedented case of a strange case. Since the stolen was Datong Bankruptcy Bank of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, so at that time, the private sector was very concerned about the case, and most of them had the feeling of gloating over the spread of family names. Li Wenkui is a native of the southwest of Datong. Born in 1905, his family was very poor. 12-year-old clothing shop when apprentice, less than 3 years to thank the teacher when the tailor, single-tube sewing work, sooner or later with some hobby martial arts people practice boxing stick. 25