The Psychological Analysis of the Heroine of Wide Sargasso Sea

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  Chapter one
  Born in late 19th century, Jean Rhys is known as a Dominica novelist. She is best-known for her novel Wide Sargasso Sea which has seen as a “prequel” to Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece Jane Eyre.
  The novel contains three parts. The first part introduces the hard life and unfortunate experience of Antoinette in her childhood in West-Indies. The second is about the relation between Antoinette and Rochester, and the sufferings of the heroin. The last part shows how Antoinette is treated after being taken to England and ends up into madness.
  No matter how hard it is, s Antoinette is always brave enough to fight against reality and pursues happiness and social identity. This paper aims to use Lacan’s Psychoanalytic Criticism to analyze Antoinette’s sufferings and pursuits.
  Chapter two
  1. Antoinette in the imagery order
  After birth, human is in the imagery order. During this time mother is the carrier and protector of the infant. She carries all the hopes, imagination and recognition of the infant. But to Antoinette, it can be said that her mother doesn’t play an active role in her childhood, even in her lifetime. She is abandoned by her mother.
  When it comes to the mirror stage, by the mirror, people establish consciousness, that is, people’s realization of self. Losing the love of mother, Antoinette lacks the protector and guider to the new complicated world. So she can only pursue her identity by herself. But being a mix-blooded person in West Indians, she feels confused about her identity. Despite of race and politics, she still makes friends with Tia, who is a black girl. Antoinette thinks her as her best friend. However, finally, she is betrayed by Tia. So her first pursuit of self identity fails.
  2. Antoinette in the symbolic order
  After growing up, she enters into the symbolic order. Symbolic stage is full of miseries. Antoinette marries Rochester, aiming to find her identity in marriage, but her dream has been broken. There are three main reasons. First, Rochester doesn’t love her even believe her. He marries her only for her dowry. Second, in this period, Antoinette has to learn to accept the pre-determined “position” in such linguistic oppositions mainly as male/female. This is the realm of the law of the father and man. Third, Rochester, her husband, who lives and is educated in a patriarchal society, represents the symbol of father and power.
  But even in this situation, Antoinette insists to pursuing her identity. After being kept in the attic, Antoinette still has the hope to find out who she is and finally return to be the unity with the image in the mirror. But as she has no power and money, even no freedom, her pursuit failed again.
  3. Antoinette in the real order
  Being tortured in the imagery order, Antoinette is deprived of rights of speaking; she is driven to be mad. Madness is the only way to go back to the real order, where there are things we have and don’t have in the material world. She understands how to find her identity. So finally she sets fire to Thornfield and ruins everything, and gets reborn. Antoinette dedicates to find her identity, and at last she succeeds in finding a way to pursue her identity, even at the cost of her life.
  Chapter three
  Living in a miserable age and place, Antoinette can’t find her identity in an easy way. She is always lost in the society relationship. But she insists in looking for her social identity no matter how hard it is. And finally she succeeds in her own way. Life and reality are always miserable, but Antoinette is brave enough to break the plight, and looking for her own way out, even at the cost of her life.
“未来的文盲不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会学习的人”。高中阶段正是通过科学的学习方法与学习策略指导及训练,培养学生“学会学习”、提高学习能力关键阶段。现代学习不能总寄希望于“勤能补拙”、 “疲劳战术”、“ 苦读加拼命”来实现。要做到既提高学习质量,又减轻学习负担,就必须提高学习效率,而学习效率=学习效果÷学习时间,高效率的学习应该是花最少的学习时间去获取最佳的学习效果。这就必须讲究策略,改善方法。
摘 要 如果能从学生的兴趣点出发,采用多种形式的方法,积极开展识字教学活动,能够收到事半功倍的效果。本文论述了六种常见而且高效的识字方法。  关键词 学生 识字方法 兴趣 教学  “识字的孩子得到了认识世界的工具,打开了通向世界的窗口。我们现在是一个视听的时代,电视也是一种重要的传播媒体,但电视代替不了阅读,因为阅读能带来思考,但阅读必须要先识字。”小学语文教学研究所副所长陈逸如教授这样郑重地提出
要问到学习语文的窍门,恐怕回答最多的就是“积累、总结”。的确这就是学习语文的不二法门,虽然只有几个字,但做起来却非常困难,需要付出大量的汗水与勤奋,但只有真正付出,才有收获,才能厚积薄发,真正走进语文的殿堂。  一、尽量培养学习语文的兴趣  有了兴趣就有了动力,语文学科不同于其他学科,既有自己本身的严谨厚重,又不乏轻松愉悦。这是因为语文包括的内容太广了,从生活琐事到人生哲理,从社会百态到内心情感,
在分数第一高考至上思潮影响下,许多老师搞题海战术,从小学到高三,学生们无不在作业的苦海中挣扎;后来又有人提出减负,于是许多老师又不在留作业,说是快乐教育。但课堂上讲授的知识得不到巩固,教学效果得不到反馈,教学失去了控制。笔者认为,采取上述两种做法的老师都没有认清作业的本质。我试从三个方面就作业问题进行分析,以期准确把握作业的本质。  一、作业的作用  作业在教育教学中 具有重要意义。首先,布置适量
作文是衡量学生语文素养的重要尺度,是学生综合素质的最高体现;作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,是语文教学的“半壁江山”。可是当前作文教学的现状是:学生难写,要么泛泛而谈,东拼西凑,要么选材陈旧,单调乏味,甚至总觉得无话可写,或干脆不写;教师难指导,作文教学常常耗在时间加汗水的拼搏中,收效甚微,可谓“羚羊挂角,无迹可求”。  如何改变这种现状,让学生从厌烦写作转向爱好写作呢?  “兴趣是最好的老师。
摘要 认知心理学和认知语言学的研究描述了民俗分类中基本层次范畴的首位原则。该原则认为,处于基本层次范畴的概念对人类的认知起着基础和重要的作用。通过对基本层次范畴的研究发现,基本层次范畴首位原则能给语言研究提供一个全新的视角。  关键词 民俗分类 基本层次范畴 首位 语言研究  引言  看到一朵玫瑰的时侯,或许有人会说,“这是一株植物”,或许有人会说“这是一朵花”, 或许还有的人会说 “这是一朵玫瑰
摘 要 本文深入阐述了通过信息技术与小学数学课程内容、教学形式、教学方法及数学教学创新的有机整合,有利于培养学生运用信息技术解决学科问题或学习新的知识,能突破教材重点、难点,使课堂充满生机与活力,调动了学生的学习积极性、主动性,提高教学重量,发展学生技能,提高小学生的信息素养。  关键词 信息技术 小学数学 课程整合创新  现代信息技术与小学数学教学的整合,对于深化小学数学课程教学改革具有现实的实
摘 要 预习本身就是为习作辅路奠定基础以达到提高写作水平,因此让学生有目的,有条理的摘录,积攒好词、好句、好的段落、好的文章。应把自己收集的资料有条理的装订成册,以便习作中灵活运用、掌握知识。教师也应在每次习作练笔中给学生一些好词、好句、好的开头、段落等。并鼓励学生通过运用掌握写作方法,运用词汇。  关键词 承上启下 精心设计 奠定基础 掌握知识  语文教学的预习是十分必要的。它能提高学生对感知东
汉语言文字博大精深,是中华民族智慧的结晶和无价的瑰宝。儿童时期是学习语言的最佳时期。语文课程标准明确要求:“识字、写字时阅读和写作的基础,是一、二年级的教学重点。”可见提高识字效率,加快识字步伐,让学生尽早闯过识字关,这就为较快地提高读写能力打好了基础。  识字,历来是小学低年级语文教学中的一个重点、难点。许多专家学者多年来为之探索,希望找出一条多快好省的识字之路。就我国目前来看,各地探讨的识字教
科学是以培养学生科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙课程,承担科学启蒙任务的这门课程,如何激发学生科学探究的情感,真正体验科学活动的过程与方法,用发展变化的视角去理解科学的成果,这是摆在每一个小学科学教育工作者面前的重要课题。我认为,良好科学学习习惯的养成,培养学生的科学素养和创新精神对小学生至关重要,它将为后继科学学习、为其他学科的学习、为终生学习打下坚实的基础。  1 培养良好的观察品质  观察是科学探究