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  It was a muggy[闷热的] afternoon, and I had every reason to feel sorry for myself. A comedy of hassles[麻烦事] began with the normal airport security gauntlet[长手套], followed by a random[随机的] drug test, and a missed flight due to a number
  of mechanical, weather and late inbound[入境的] flight
  problems. Now my flight home was full and late.
  I noticed a five-year-old boy standing by his mother and watching me. Cautiously[小心地], he began to walk toward me.
  “Great,” I thought. “I have to baby-sit a five-year-old. My day is now complete.”
  As he came closer, I was both relieved and alarmed that it wasn’t me he was after. With wide eyes, he gently
  touched the bill[帽舌] of my hat, carefully touching the
  emblem[徽记]. I asked him if he would like to wear my captain hat, and he excitedly nodded his head. With my hat on his head, he ran to show his mother, then back to me smiling from ear to ear.
  I put my hat on and gave him an airplane card. He held it with both hands in awe. I was happy that I had been briefly
  distracted from my self-pity fest[节庆]. He looked up at me and said, “Mister, you sure are lucky.”
  “Yes,” I said, “I sure am.”
  I contemplated[深思] the wisdom of a five-year-old as I got the last seat on that flight home.
千百年来,人类不断在问一个问题:我们死后会怎样?古埃及人认为他们找到了答案——被制成木乃伊之后,他们要踏上一次危机四伏的漫长旅途,最终到达永恒的极乐世界。但要到达那里,他们需要一本写有咒语的指南,那就是埃及的《亡灵书》(或称《死亡之书》、《死者之书》)。  藏有大量古埃及文物的大英博物馆正在举办《死后生活之旅:古埃及的亡灵书》(Journey Through the Afterlife: Anci
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每逢情人节、母亲节、儿童节、父亲节、圣诞节等重要日子,商家总会适时推出相应产品,电波里回荡着应节歌曲,屏幕上播放着电影合集——每逢这个时候,总有那么一个星期,连空气里都弥漫着浓郁的节日的味道。今年CE: Teens也来凑凑热闹,给大家推荐近两年拍摄的几部应节电影——无论是迪斯尼旨在突破自我的复古2D动画,一场为了亲人而打的家族官司,还是亚当·桑德勒那些天马行空的睡前故事,这三部作品都有充满新意的点
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