一从武林门而西,望保叔塔突兀层崖中,则已心飞湖上也。午刻入昭庆,茶毕,即棹小舟入湖。山色如娥,花光如颊,温风如酒,波纹如绫,才一举头,已不觉目酣神醉。此时欲下一语描写不得,大约如东阿王梦中初遇洛神时也。余游西湖始此,时万历丁酉二月十四日也。 二 西湖最盛,为春为月。一日之盛,为朝烟,为夕岚。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒,与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。 石篑数为余言:“傅金吾园中梅,张功甫家故物也,急往观之。”余时为桃花所恋,竟不
One from the Wulin gate and west, hope Paul uncle tower unexpected cliff, then the heart has to fly the lake. Into Zhaoqing moment, tea is completed, that is, the boat into the lake. Mountains such as E, flowers such as cheeks, warm wind, such as wine, ripples such as Aya, only one stroke, has not felt head intoxicated. Described at this time for the next language may not be about Rudong God, such as when the Lord met Los God also. I swim this West Lake, Wanli Ding unitary on February 14 also. Two West Lake is the highest, for the spring. Full day, for the smoke, for the evening Lan. This year’s snow is very Sheng, plum cold for the Seoul, and apricot peach phase development, especially spectacular. Shek Ngau number of more than words: “Fu Jin Wu Park in the plum, Zhang Gongfu also the old house thing, anxious to view.” Yu is peach love, actually not