长白侧柏(Thuja koraiensis Nakai)别名朝鲜崖柏、朝鲜柏、偃侧柏。长白侧柏木质细密,材质坚实,有香气,边材白色心材淡红色,可供家具及其它细木工用。枝叶代柏叶入药,种子仁代柏子仁入药。树形美观,可供庭院、街边绿化,是长白山区较好的观赏树种之一。长白侧柏属国家三级珍稀濒危保护植物,也是我省东部山区的珍贵树种之一,为更好发展这一资源,进行了无性繁植试验,
Thuja koraiensis Nakai alias North Korea thuja, North Korea cypress, Yam Arborvitae. White arborvitae fine wood, solid material, aroma, sapwood white heartwood light red, for furniture and other joinery. Branches and leaves of cypress medicine, seed kernel on behalf of the child into medicine. Beautiful tree, for the courtyard, green street, Changbai Mountain is one of the better ornamental trees. Platycladus orientalis is a national three rare and endangered plants, but also one of the precious tree species in the eastern mountainous province, in order to better the development of this resource, conducted asexual plantation test,