隐性眼球震颤是一种少见的眼病,文献报导也不多。常常由于检查不细心或对本病缺少认识而误诊。作者于1979年7月发现1例,报告如下: 患者高××女学生1979年高电查视力时,发现单眼视力极差,但患者否认眼病史,也没感到自己视力差。家族史:双亲及兄妹视力均正常。视力:右0.2,左0.2。双眼同时注视视力为1.5。眼位:正,双眼注视时无眼球震颤。当遮盖一眼时,有明显的眼球震颤,外眼、晶状体及眼底
Tactile nystagmus is a rare eye disease, reported in the literature is not much. Often misdiagnosed because the examination is not careful or lack of awareness of the disease. The author found in July 1979 1 case, the report is as follows: High × × female students in 1979 high visual acuity, monocular visual acuity was found to be very poor, but patients deny eye history, did not feel poor vision. Family history: parents and siblings eyesight are normal. Eyesight: right 0.2, left 0.2. Eyesight while watching 1.5. Eye position: positive, no nystagmus eyes gaze. When covered, there is significant nystagmus, the outer eye, lens and fundus