Analysis of the impacts of culture differences on Sino—Western business negotiation.

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  Abstract:In the trend of economic globalization rapid development, international business activities are closed tied to business negotiations.With cross-cultural backdrop,studying cultural differences is a single axis to deal with the problems arising in the negotiation.
  Keywords: Sino-Western business negotiation, culture differences, impacts.
  【中圖分类号】 F740. 41 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)04-0179-01
  1.Culture differences
  In the international business negotiation,the number of western negotiators is no more than 5 ,but these individuals has absolutelly power to make decisions.However, Chinese like to depend on the collective, and the cooperation of group is emphasized,which is totaled 15.
  Because of historical reasons,different countries have different styles.Western tend to argue logically and speak out with an emphatic tone. They adhere to principle of"profits first".On the contrary, Chinese negotiators dislike to argue and against one another. Meanwhile, they rarely speak straight forward to westerns.
  Thinking model is an insurmountable river between China and West. Chinese prefer comprehensive thinking,otherwise,westerns prefer analytic thinking.When faced with a complex negotiation,Chinese adopts overall decision-making methods, paying attention to the whole discussion aspects without obvious order.But westerns prefer sequential decision who often break down large tasks into a series of small ones.
  The impact of culture differences on the negotiation process is manifested in language communication. Language is the carrier of communication between any country, religion and nation.Although solution to the language problem is plain,such as hiring a translator or talking universal language, it is easy to misunderstand the information transmitted by the other side that affect the achievement of the negotiation objectives.Additionally,cultural differences will lead to diverse results in using of body language.Unwittingly generated personal friction will affect the development of business relations. For example, if you don't look him in the eye, others may worry whether you're not honest enough.
  Chinese culture tends to ignore law, and focus on ethical considerations.Nevertheless,westerns will prioritize law. In China,"ethical supremacy" has always occupied an important position in people's minds.As a result, most of the problems that should be solved by law,but moral standardization through is playing an increasingly important role in China.Westerns must bring their own lawyers in business negotiations. They used to say, "I want to inquire my lawyer for advice first."   The style of negotiation has a direct influence on the way of communication, the relationship between the two parties even in the structure of negotiation.The Chinese focus on building a long-term stable relationship. In bussiness negotiations, Chinese would like to make concession.Westerners pay attention to ration and logic, and are willing to change their positions if there is a reasonable reason, It is more flexible, but not sentiment.
  Language barriers can be found everywhere in business negotiations.People should focus on eliminate language barrier.Grasp opponents' language in the transnational negotiations to is perceived the progress of negotiations. The language barrier does harm to negotiations because it probably leads to many misunderstandings even can cause negotiations failed.
  Success is always for the people who is ready. It is necessary to understand cultural backgrounds correctly among different countries.Location, venue and members should be arranged in advance.Chinese consider that time flows forever, so sometimes they will delay in negotiations;but Westerners value time as money. Therefore, they do not like to break,delay or leave early in negotiations.They tend to start the talk on time and work out the final agreement step by step according to the schedule.Based on that, we should foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.
  Respect for each other's customs is a critical part during the process of negotiation.Negotiators should conduct a comprehensive investigation of the other side's customs, because respecting the others' customs is respect for each other.At the same time,negotiators are supposed to master the interpersonal skills while we are in social conditions. We must respect others' habits and agree with their differences in order to avoid conflicts and embarrassment.
  Conclusion:Culture diffrences are objective.However, if people can overcome obstacles of Sino-Western culture differences ,doing as the Romans do and seeking common ground ,they will reach a mutually acceptable agreement in international business negotiations.
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