一、网箱养鱼是一项大有希望的生产事业: 网箱养鱼是高度集约化养殖的一种方式。它是在天然水域中设置一定规格的透水网箱,依靠箱内外水体的交换,保持箱内水质清新、溶氧量高、天然饵料供给丰富等优越的自然条件下来培育鱼种和养殖商品鱼的。网箱养鱼产量高的原因:一是网箱受风浪影响、水体流动,水温变化以及箱内鱼群游动的影响,使网箱内、外水体产生对流,形成水体交换。交换的次数越多,箱内水体的含氧量就越高,浮游生物等鱼
First, the cage fish is a promising production: cage fish farming is a highly intensive way of farming. It is in the natural waters to set a certain size of permeable cages, relying on the exchange of water inside and outside the box to keep the box fresh water, dissolved oxygen high natural abundance of natural food supply and other superior natural conditions to cultivate fish species and farmed fish . Reasons for high cage fish production: First, the cage affected by the storm, the water flow, water temperature changes and the fish swimming inside the box, so that the cage inside and outside the water body convection, the formation of water exchange. The more exchanges, the higher the oxygen content of the water box, plankton and other fish